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TriforcePieces Blog

Art of the characters I will use. (And new banner!) 1 DAY!


is the day I get Soul calibur IV!


I probably will post a few more blogs like this :P Just because I'm WAITING!

New banner. Featuring Raphael.

I've been playing Soul Calibur 2 and 3 non-stop, but they're getting boring now... because I NEED 4! To pass time, I'm gonna post the art of the characters I will be playing as. I'll post them from how much they will be used. Starting with Raphael, my favorite character, on top.





I'm not sure if I will be using Seong Mi-na or not again. A few people know she (along with Raphael) has been a veteran character of mine, but I don't really like her costumes in 4. I'll just have to see her moveset to decide.


I have made a decision!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!shift+one

I am getting Rock Band 2! :P I know I said I would stay loyal to the GH series, but I CHANGED MY MIND!!!!

I saw the setlist for Rock Band 2, and, well, I'd be stupid not to get it. For those of you who don't know, here it is:

(due to technical difficulties, setlist will be here later :P)

How how how? (current gaming status)

The "How how how" is a family guy reference :P Haha, anyways: Hello everybody! I know I haven't been on here lately but I've been doing quite a bit more gaming. I WAS focusing on Saint's Row (amazing game by the way, expect a review soon) but I beat that. SO now I'm working on Sonic next-gen. So far, I have mixed reactions towards this game. Sonic story mode sucks, I can easily say that. Shadow's, however, was very interesting and a lot more fun. It was fun to beat :D But what can you expect? He IS Shadow :P I'm working on silver's story mode right now and I'm halfway through Sonic's. I figured I'll beat Silver's before I finish Sonic's. Lots of people say Sonic next-gen sucked... well to be honest I kind of agree right now, but I'm way too addicted to quit now :P Oh yeah! I reserved.... *fanfare* SOUL CALIBUR IV! Yay! SO! If any of you are getting it, let me know! I have yet to use my free Xbox Live Trial, and I might use it upon getting this game. So until next time, peace.

You recieve Xbox 360 "1"

The title of this blog is a reference to which game? :D Guess it and you'll get an invisible trophy.
I GOT AN XBOX 360!!!!!!
I have GTA4, Guitar Hero Aerosmith, Bully Scholarship edition, and Sant's Row 2. I probably won't be on here as often since I've been busy rocking out. Plus, I still have my FF12 file, and I need to start on GTA4, so yeah, sorry :( I'll try to come on. I don't have Xbox Live yet, so don't ask for my gamertag.
Aerosmith is awesome. I ahve to say, I was surprised by the fact that there are more unlockables in it than in GH3. I figured it would be like Rocks the 80's where the store's merchandise is slashed in half. BUT it's practically doubled. I'm gonna have fun with this. :P:P:P:P
I'll probably get GH2 soon. I have it for PS2, but there are new songs in the 360 version, so, yeah. See ya all whenever :P And remeber, guess the Video Game reference in the title.

How well do you know me?

Well, Colmillios reminded me of this quiz making website in her newest blog. Some of my older friends here will remember I did this before. Well, here's another one: TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW!!!!!11!!!1! Enter your name as your GS username :P Hope Colmillios doesn't get mad I stole this :P well, there you go. I'm interested to see how you all score :D

FF12... I Forgot how fun it was

Hey all :) What's up?
I know I said I'd be on more often. Sorry :( Before I was busy with school, but now I'm gaming a lot. So, I'll try my best. I also know I haven't commented on your blogs as often. I'll try my best to do that again.
Anyway, back to the point, I've been playing Final Fantasy XII again :) I forgot how fun this game was. I missed a lot on my original file, so I started over. For example, to get the Zodiac Spear (among other missing things)
I Also started over on FF7 (yes, again :P) but I haven't been playing. Like, at all. I probably will once I beat FF12 again. And my Soul Calibur III file still needs more work. I forgot what it was like to game so much :P
So, I'll try to be on here more often. And I'll get back to commenting your blogs too :P See ya

Back to gaming...

Well, as school is dwindling down now, I've started playing some video games again. Majorly, just 2. Soul Calibur III and Final Fantasy VII
Well, my file was corrupted and I couldn't do Chronicles of the Sword SO I started over. I had a lot of stuff, all weapons (other than the ancients, I only had 3 of those. 4 if you count Olcadan's.) all characters, everything basically. What I didn't have was some of the coolest parts for Character Customization which you get from Chronicles of the sword.
I have reclaimed most weapons and every character I had, but I'm stuck at Chronicle 17... >_< gives me something to do this summer.
I was bored, and I love this game :P I also wanted to change the names I gave the characters. I'm currently at the Gold Saucer (second time on Disc One, right before the date scene.) Again, something to do this summer.
I'm lookin' forward to Soul Calibur IV (even though Yoda is NOT cool) mainly because I saw a lot of my favorites look great. Seung Mina, Raphael, Nightmare (shown below), Siegfried, and Tira all look great, and they're my best characters.

My new icon...

...isn't so new. But I never made a blog about it. It's Axl Rose from the "Welcome to the Jungle" Music Video. Epic, I know :P (NOTE: Regardless of his failing look, I support Axl Rose and the new GN'R 100% :D)

First Blog in forvever and a half...

What's up :P I know I haven't been here lately, I've been busy with school and stuff. Plus, I do have a life, you can't expect me to be on here all the time. Anyway, not too much is new with me.

I'm still waiting on getting a 360, and gaming has come to a halt for me other than playing Guitar Hero every once in awhile. I've beaten 2 on Expert... I still can't beat Play With me on Rocks the 80's... >_< driving me crazy. And on 3, I'm at the last tier of songs.

Due to a lack of money, I haven't really gotten any new CDs either. I'm saving for a Bass Guitar though and planning on forming a band this summer after learning the basics of playing. That's sure to be fun :P

This blog was short, so I'll just display some pics of MY IDOL:

KURT COBAIN IS GOD! He was a genius! He had AMAZING talent! I would go gay if he was still alive and appeared right in front of me, no lie :P It's an obsession, yes, but I don't care. (By the way I'm not gay at all, but I would be just for Kurt. NO ONE ELSE)

Creepy obsessions aside, life is going good, but I'm not expecting to be here a lot. The last time I played a video game besides Guitar Hero was quite some time ago :|