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TriforcePieces Blog

It's been such a long time...

(If you missed my answers to asked questions, see my last blog) :D haha, I've been using quotes from songs as blog titles lately... anyway... couple things are up with me: -I've been playing guitar hero less and less lately. Seemes to me its because I'm getting bored that there isn't a difficulty above expert. After beating so many songs over and over again, it gets a little repetitive. I'm sure I'll be back to playing soon enough, just taking a break :D -I STILL can't beat Zodiark on FF12: Revenant Wings. Once I get him, I 100% the game, so yeah, I REALLY need to do that. -As for FF XII on the PS2, I need to beat Yiazmat, then that game is 100%. BUT, Yiazmat has 50,112,254 health (actual number, no exaggeration) So yeah, it takes QUITE an amount of time, even though I HAVE Zodiark in that game, he can'tr help me much. (I'm level 70 too) I just can't take him down, but maybe that's just cuz I dont have the time. -Its Saturday :( School on Monday, ugh, its been so long since I've been in school, I dont want to go. But whatever, its not my choice. It'll be nice to see my friends again. -Most of you know about a girl I used to like and there was this long complicated confusion and disagreement which led me to get over her. I just found out her current boyfriend is leaving her soon. He's a jerk and I knew he would. But of course, I couldn't tell her that because of how much she loved him. It sucks because I dont want to see her sad. I don't want to go out with her anymore, but I dont want to see her crushed... -I started over on KH2 again. Haing fun with that :P -I got the serious collector emblem finally :P

The long-awaited answer blog

(Sorry it took so long, I was HOPING more people would've asked things) TheConscience: Who's your favorite video game character? Answer: Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd have to say its really a tie between a few people. Cloud Strife (FF7) Vincent Valentine (FF7) Riku (Kingdom Hearts) and Basch fon Ronsenburg (FF12) But I suppose If I had to pick one, it would be Cloud. ansem_man: who do you hate on gamespot the most? Answer: You :P jk, I don't hate (If I did, I'd get reported!) WSGRandomPerson: How old are you? Answer: I'm 15, will be 16 in September Bart247: What's your least favorite video game character, and why? Answer: Hmm, I'd have to say Tidus of FF10. He's a crybaby whose dad never loved him but he needs to get over it. He's also annoying and complains to much. The game should have been focused more on the other, COOLER characters of Final Fantasy X DesertClawX2X: How did you first get into gaming? Answer: Well, let's see. back when I was, oh I don't know, about 4, I went over my grandma's house a lot, as did most of my cousins. We'd be real bored in the winter since we couldn't go outside, so we'd just play some NES or SNES. Even though I was only 4, I really had a knack for those games and beat most of my older cousins. When I was about 6, I recieved that SNES as a birthday present from my now desceased great uncle. That's why I love SNES games so much. (My first games: Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, and Donkey Kong Country 2 (my favorite of the three)) TheConscience: John, are you gonna answer these or not? Answer : Yes ansem_man: did you here about drewski getting banned? Answer: Yes, I MISS HIM!!!! :cry: (So yeah, not to many questions asked, I feel ignored :( but if you want you could post questions in comment form on this blog and I will still gladly answer them if you missed your chance on the last blog.)

MY own question blog

(My union formed and I REALLY need members! please look into it)

Anyway I've seen people do them, so here's how it works. Ask me any question(s) in comment form on this blog, then I'll make a new blog to answer them. Ask me anything :P I'll answer it. So get crackin'

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Tails, Knuckles, and Silver in Brawl

Those of you going crazy, calm down its not as cool as you think:


They are just in the backround of Green Hill Zone :P

also I set my profile to friends only because if i get reported one more time, I'm banned, but someone was recently on my account. now I wonder WHO that could have been *sarcasm* why dont you just come clean? :P

Pleasure Spiked With Pain

So... what is up GS friends... not hearin' much from ya'll lately. Well anyway, those who remember my hysteria blog, i would like you all to know how much better I am feeling. being completely over Alicia has sunk in, and I've returned back to my one true love, music. Few things are up lately:

-I'm loving the Red Hot Chili Peppers lately. I always liked them, but now they are right below Guns n' Roses on my top bands list

-I found out one of my friends likes me, but I don't like her back. Damn my sexiness! :P

-I'm broke again because I just bought Use Your Illusion II (a GNR CD for those who dont know) totally worth it, but I miss having money :(

-Its FEBRUARY VA-CA-SH-UN! Whoo! Par-tay!

-Maple story is slowly getting boring. I might stop.

-On myspace i was talkin to some friends and found out one of my buddys is thinkin' about suicide. I knocked some sense into him, but I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

-I'm considering forming a band. My singing has really progressed lately. I just need other members :P already have a name though :D

It's Valentine's Day

... and I'm alone again :D haha. Happy Valentine's all. Here's a valentine for ya ;):

And here's a heart ;):

haha, its funny cuz its their last names and stuff. puns are fun. This guy wishes he had a heart:

and this guy destroys the souls of the leaving and reaps their energy to strengthen his own and destroy all life itself:

Ok, that last one wasn't valentine's related but who cares :P

(artwork by *ramy at

Maple Story Players?

Anyone here play Maple Story?


Name: ScarredAngel

Level: 15

Job: Thief (Rogue)

World: (Khaini)

I just downloaded 3 days ago. I used to play on my friends comp, but now I have it

WHO reported me!?!

Thats low people. I made a blog entitled "...Hysteria..." that stated how my life was completelu messed up and how I felt dead inside and just needed time to think or I'd go insane.

Then I got a ltter from GS saying I was reported for use of "foul language or banned words" ...I'll admit I did that, but why would you report me? Especially in the state I'm in now. Whoever you are, I dont want to talk to you again. Show some compassion to someone whose heart was ripped out and then eaten and spit back out.