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TriforcePieces Blog

GS is... lacking

I gotta be honest guys, I have no real reason to BE on Gamespot anymore. No one comes but andrew, kenny, and justin and I can talk to them on the phone.

Dont expect me to stay much longer.

If your said, here's an animation to make you laugh:

Play With Me on Expert (This dude's insane!) (it's on the right hand side at the top. press play)

Check THIS out! Guitar Hero Rocks the 80's, Play With Me on Expert! This guy did an insane job!

I did this song on expert... not this good, but I did it. Then someone tried to copy my file and it got corrupted.

Now I cant beat Electric Eye or Caught In a Mosh. I doubt I can do Play With Me again anyway. But I wont give up! I wont leave the side of expert mode!

Also, other than a youtube account, I also have a myspace:

If you have one, feel free to friend request me.

Happy Holidays!!!!

This is John IV wishing all of you a Merry-something-or-other. Whatever you celebrate (or celebratED) I hope you will have (had) a good one!

I've got quite a few nice presents. :P I already know what they all are.

I still wont have internet for a long time, but hey, I miss you all! I'll be back eventually.

In unrelated news, Guns N' Roses is hands down my new favorite band! I really like them. So to keep a topic going, why dont you post the name(s) of your favorite band(s.) I wont be able to see them because i'm on my great uncle's computer. Haha. Well. Triforce out!

Mmm... so another internet-less day

Haha. Well I'm on ansem_man's computer today. Here's whats going on lately: :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: -I've been playing Guitar Hero more what with winter being here. I WAS going outside a lot but now I cant because its too cold. I still jog everyday, but I miss roller hockey. I play on Meduim still, but I 5-star every song (perfected welcome to the jungle, bulls on parade, slow ride, when you were young, pride and joy, and even flow) I dont want to play on hard yet. I've had the game since it came out, but I havent really been playing much. -Alicia is in Disney. She left Thursday and wont be back 'till Tuesday. :( I miss her. The wierd thing is that bad stuff has been happening to me since she left. Like she's my good luck charm or something. :P that'd be awesome:P -Found my christmas presents :D easy this year. So far I see Guitar Hero II, FF12 revenant wings, The best of the colbert report, and Pirates 3 At world's end. I asked for Invader Zim on DVD and Season 5 of Scrubs and a Guns n' Roses CD. Hopefully I get those. -My DS is crap. Its hard to open and one of the speakers is broken. I'm the only one without a lite :P oh well. -I still miss my cupcake :( and I miss all of you. I have a computer, but no internet. My fingers are crossed for January.


Hey I'm back for today. Maybe. No. Maybe. Possibly. Yes. Yup. Yeah. No. Yes. Ok, enough of that.

Stuff you may be interested to know:

-I might be getting a computer soon. Yay!!!!!!!! I hope I will anyway. Right now I'm over a friend's house.

-I beat FF XII quite some time ago. It was a really good game actually. Kep me busy for awhile.

-I got Guitar Hero III. It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup.

-I watched Invader Zim on Nick yesterday. That show is by far THE BEST CARTOON EVER!!!!

-I ate a cupcake. I miss it now. Thus me using the quote from GIR. (I just found out it was spelled that way. I thought it was Grr all along.)

Also if you watch this video you will explode with laughter......ness.

Guess who aint none dead

its starts with J and ends with ohn J. Gavin IV

Go ahead guess

Give up????

well your a quitter then

I'm leaving

no im not

yes i am


dont expect me to be back on in ever

(i was exaggerating)

or waS i?


6 days... savvy.

Hells yeah! 6 days away from the next Pirates movie!!!!  I cant wait!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!



So anyway, the next Pirates game is comin out Tuesday. this one looks really good. I'm gonna buy since its comin out for PS2. Also NY was fun. I got a Saturday Night Live shirt at the NBC store.

And the play (Les Miserables) was great. Have any of you seen the pisode of Seinfeld where they go meet Elaine's father and George has a song from Les Miserables stuck in his head? theyre right, its very catchy!

"Master of the house, keeper of the inn..."

Also Alicia is going to see the new Pirates movie, whitch means I MUST go when she does!

Meh Meh Meh (Take THAT TheConscience!)

Haha, he hates the word meh.


some of you saw my trainer card and posted some remarks. i'm not pointing fingers *casey* But we made it together. I'm suprised you didnt know i wasnt a wierd person who wants to somehow be with a girl so much he'll make a pokemon trainer card with the 2 on it so we are somehow someway together. *buzzer noise* wrong. We made it together.

I beat Rogue Galaxy and started over. Its rivaling Skies of Arcadia for my favorite game position.

Also on the 16th I'll be in New York... with Alicia :P:P:P

Also my other one is up. My team was switched. Mightyena rules :D



Diamond- Yawn

Ya i'm busy playin games. Sooo close to beating Rogue galaxy. anywho here's my diamond stats *yawn*

Hall of Fame Entrance: April 26, 2007 at 8:15 PM (EST)

# of times Elite 4 beaten: 2

Final Party Members: 5/6 (Luxray, Ambipom, Lucario, Gallade, Dewgong (shiny))

Trainer Card Stars: 2

Secret Base Flags: 50

National Pokedex Seen: 261

National Pokedex owned: 117

4th Gen. Legendaries caught: Uxie, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia (was traded for status), Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia.

4th Gen Legendaries need: Mesprit, Darkrai, Sheimi, Aruseus, Manaphy, Fione (Last 5 are unobatinable to me... for now anyway)


Well as you noticed i'm pretty bored with this thing. I have over 70 hours logged which is surprising. Its funny I dont like it that much anymore but its still addictive. I'm waiting for a Farfetch'd swarm for my last party member. I have my Lvl. 100 maxed out stats one from Firered, but I want to retrain one.

So yeah those of you with the games, how far are you???

(Also my current goal is to get all the Aruseus Plates. I currently have 11 diferent ones)