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TriforcePieces Blog

Just say i'm gone

Well guys i'm sure u noticed my extreme unactiveness lately. well... yeah. its because of a few reasons.

I've been swamped with school work lately and have no time to deal with my dial-up snail-speed comp to get online. plus it freezes up to often

Also i've got a lot of life problems that need to be sorted out. I cant continue doing anything until they are taken care of... and I think they need to be dealt with on my own.

So yeah... consider this my last post for awhile... :|

(Too remember the good old days, i'll sport my retro look of Vaati:P)

Sonic Spotlight I

Yes. Since so many people do character things every week, I will now too. Sonic Spotlight will take place every Saturday. I will also compare the sonic character to someone I know.

I'm sure its obvious the first spotlight is...


Well here's some info on him:

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

Age: 16??? (I cant remeber his. If anyone can confirm or change that let me know please)

Type: Speed

Goal in life: Stop Eggman and restore peace

First Appearance: Song the Hedgehog (Genesis)

Theme: It Doesn't Matter

Bio: Sonic is the world's fastest hedgehog! His best friend is Miles "Tails" Prower, and he always has Amy Rose chasing him down trying to marry him! His goal is to stop the evil Dr. Eggman and restore peace to the world! Sonic never gives up and will face his fears! He's also arrogant and a show off (regardless of what the song says) Thats why he kinda reminds me of, well me!

Song lyrics in DX: (what I say they are)

"Well, I don't show off, don't criticize
I'm just livin' by my own feelings
And I won't give in, won't compromise
'Cause I only have a steadfast heart of gold

I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough
But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my word
Don't ask me why, I don't need a reason
I got my way, my own way

It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight
There is no way I will run away from all of my pride Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running
There is no way to stop me from going to the very top

It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right

Well, I won't look back I don't need to
Time won't wait and I got so much to do

Where do I start, it's all a blur and so unclear
Well, I don't know but I can't be wrong

This fight is not for anybody, this is purely for myself
There is no way I'm gonna give up 'til the very end
I can't tell what is wrong and what is right, I've got to find the answer
But until I do there's no way I will ever give up

Place all your bets on the one you think is right

It doesn't matter now what happens I will never give up the fight
There is no way I will run away from all of my pride Long as the voice inside me says go, I will always keep on running
There is no way to stop me from going to the very top"

(I dont care if you say they arent the real lyrics, I say thats what they are)

Just reserved Diamond...

I just reserved Diamond. A little late but hey I did it. I had the money on me so I payed the full reserve. That way I dont have to pay anything when I pick it up. Yup.

School was boring 'cept one of my friends pushed a girl. I whacked him in the head :P Yeah. Good times. Also I wont be here May... uh... something. Sometime in May i wont be here. I'll be at New York. My French Class is going to see Les Miserables I hear its good. Mainly I'm going because the girl I like is going :D thats me. I'll pay $86 just to spend time with the chick I dig 8)

Also I HATE the new text box. First big icons now this???? Sheesh. My comp freezes a lot when I enter it so dont expect millions of blog or forum posts from me...

Trainer cards, Songs, and donuts

Mmm.... donuts.... uh yeah... anyway.

You may have noticed on a few profiles (Mine, Linkluigi5, TheConscience, Ansem_man) there are trainer cards. well thanks to greggors (linkluigi5) we all have them. He found a website that generates trainer cards. I strongly suggest you guys make them! they're cool!

Make one here:

You even get to select a trainer (I chose Denji, 8th Gym leader) and you can choose your region and badges! (I chose Kanto) They didnt let me make my dewgong shiny, even though it is... oh well....

So thanks again greggors!

(Those of you too lazy to go to my blog header, i will paste mine below)



Songs are popular too. For those of you who saw "The Cloud song" well greggors was like "Hey, I'll make a song about me just like the cloud song!" and I was like, me too! And andrew(Theconscience) was all "Me too!" Here's where they can be found:

The Greg Song: In linkluigi's profile

The Andrew Song: In TheConscience's blog header.

The John Song: Comment form on my previous blog or below:

"My name is John, I am a dude. I make fun of Tyra, because I'm rude. And i like to drink apple cider. Its better than, eating a spider. And when i go, off to school. 15 seconds.... i'm asleep and drool. And I will use my awesome skills. So if i lose, i will kill. Because I am John.... my gaming skills defy everything. But I cant have too much CD's or I might start too sing. If I cant go out with you, than thats ok. I'll still adore you, anyway. And I will denounce, the word Impossible... because anything is possible!"

St. Patrick's Day and many others.


Yes its Saint Patrick's Day! One of my favorite holidays! Go Ireland! Anyway a few things are goin on:

1: Biological Warfare still is taunting me

2: Diamond and Pearl are coming closer. I've gotta reserve Diamond

3: Played Mystery Dungeon yesterday cuz I was bored. Recruited Rayquaza

4: Lumos!

5: Mecha_koops appears to have only made a short visit.

6: I'm playing as Amy on 2 player on adventure 2 Battle "Just wait 20 seconds." :lol:

7: I need to find somthin to do

8: I STILL have beaten all games I own

9: I need to find something to do

10: I have a new email and AIM. It's now MightyKingJohan (

Yay! I got up to 10 things! Happy St. Patrick's Day! May the Luck of the Irish be with you all!

Diamond & Pearl English Names (all)

In case some of you are saying,

"2 blogs in one day? He's crazy!"

Shut up and get a life off of GS. :P:P:P


Yup, these are NOT confirmed, but ARE very believed to be true. I am 99% sure they are correct so enjoy. (Haha, this is my first Diamond and Pearl update in a LOOOOOONNGGG Time!)


I have a new GS goal. To figure out this particularly tricky emblem before Summer Break:

     Biological Warfare

Only a handful of people have it. And those people wont tell how. And they shouldn't. It takes all the fun out of getting the emblem. Thats why I'm doin this on my own like everyone else ahs to... If anyone tells me how, heads will roll :P

Too good for my own good...

I'm done with FF7. I have been since moday. IT DIDNT LAST ME A WEEK!

Ugh, the game was long, yes. The game was fun, yes, The game was one of the best i'e ever played, yes. Hard? Well not for me. Dont know about all you.

I have

-All ultimate weapons inculding Princess Guard (Aeris died equipped with it)

-A gold Chocobo

- more than 9/10 of the game's materia

-all limit breaks except Omnislash. (to lazy to spend my time at the gold saucer X_X)

Ok i HAVENT done northern cave yet. I just have been busy. so basically i've done everything BUT beat the game. My goal for this game was

-get all yuffie's weapons

-get all ultimate weapons

-get all limit breaks

-get a golden chocobo

-get all sumon materia

-and beat all 4 weapons.

I beat Diamond weapon since he is a storyline boss, Ultimate is dead too. Almost beat emerald with the "Knights of the Round" Sumon. :P very helpful. And Ruby, eh, focusing on emerald right now.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this game wasnt as hard as expected, but it was still fun.

(I actually did all this stuff on monday, but I never had the time to post about it :P)

...So it begins...

You may have noticed a lack of me here on gamespot. Well, i'm... consumed... by FF7. Its soooooooooo addicting

I have all party members including Yuffie and Vincent

I'm in the process of the quest where Yuffie steals your materia

Should be head'n to temple of ancients... but i'm not. too busy doing the materia quest.

I'm only 3/4 of the way through Disc 1... I know... shocking... its all I play, still only that far.

Anyway its practicaly all I do lately so dont expect too much of me here.

(:lol: i was late to school because I was fighting a boss on this game! And I used that as my excuse! :lol:)

I can play FF12 again!











I'm... going... CRAZY!!!! First off, you have NO IDEA how mad it makes me to have FF7 in my room, but NO PS1 memory card! My friend has one for me but I have to wait until tuesday to get it!!!


I'm sooooooooooooo bored! All my games are beaten and until I can play FF7, I have to replay games! I've repalyed KH2... so many times... its disgusting. Seriously. All the way to the final boss fight. 18 times since February 1st... all on different modes (I try to stay away from Begginer since its sick how easy t is.)


The weekend is already over! This was time I could've been playing FF7! Grrr....