go to best buy, buy a 360. swap hard drives. put the broken 360 in the new box. return it and demand your money back. works like a charm2scoopsofempty
...No, unfortunately it doesn't. Most, if not all, stores punch this tab through the box and scan the bar-code on the actual console, not the box. If you pull that, when they scan it again to give you your refund..... guess what? It either won't work, or even worse, they can you in trouble with the law.
HOWEVER! There is another solution that works almost as good. Just call to get your 360 serviced just like you normally would.... then go to Best Buy (this works best if you have a credit card.... because you're not actually handling money, or having to pull 300-some bucks out of somewhere) and buy a 360. Then take the new harddrive off, put your old one on, and play it. Play it until you get your REAL 360 back from service. JUST MAKE SURE YOU TAKE THE ONE YOU BOUGHT BACK WITHIN 30 DAYS, SO YOU CAN GET YOUR FULL REFUND. There you go. You lose no game time, and you don't ahve to worry, and there's no real hassle.
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