TruestGamer's forum posts
He's got a point.. there are far too many games that get it completely backwards. Games like Grand Theft Auto 4 even get the it completely wrong. Spending so much time in a studio with voice actors, motion capture, writing, and you get a decent story with an absolutely hollow city to explore. That game cost 100 Million to make and it looks like about 20 dollars went into the actual gameplay. Darts, bowling, thats it. No grabbing a plan, no jet packs, nothing. Realism, for sake of story right? No, it's a cut corner. Uncharted 2 knocked it out of the park, and Uncharted 3 tried to pull the same thing and it failed. The reason being the story wasnt what made the game so great, it was the polished approach during it all. Uncharted 3 was basically an interactive, and ultimately forgettable story. Great, they had wonderful voice acting, but the shooting mechanics are completely broken and i just fell through a floor. After playing Twisted Metal's demo on ps3, i say bring on the gameplay and put the story aside. Jaffe has a big mouth, but he can back it up too.
[QUOTE="TruestGamer"]id gets way too much hate. Yes the development was long but Rage was actually a great game with some of the best gunplay on any console this gen. Not to mention it is easily comparable to the best looking shooters on consoles and is by far the smoothest. It has its short comings but shows enormous potential for what Doom 4 could be if they learn from its mistakes. Personally, Carmack just needs to stop talking to remind everyone it still exists and just finish it alreadyseanmcloughlin
This looks great to you? :?
This is the PC version at its highest settings.
I said consoles. though. Crysis 2 modded or Battlefield 3 blow everything out of the water at the moment on PC .
Rage was developed for consoles and was always said to be, it runs at 60 fps and has very detailed environments, the textures arent great but for console standards its pretty amazing. Doom 4 is different because it's said to be catering to high end PCs.
Carmack put his word on that too, so if he fails to deliver there then gamers have a reason to be pissed.
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