Yup. They blew it when they re-did their website and comment system into what it is to today.
Gamespot used to be THE PLACE for commenting on games but for some strange reason they decided to bury their comments section and now the place is not quite a ghost town but it's close.
Lawbreakers would have probably sold more on Xbox than on PS4 and PC combined because it's literally and XBL gamer type of game. If Cliffy was smart he would be working on a version right now to launch with the X.
I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that Luke probably said to himself "f' it all...just f' everything" when Kylo flipped out after falling to the dark side, which ended up with Luke's entire Jedi training class being dead. Hell, Luke might have had to kill them all himself if Kylo turned them all to the dark side.
So after all of that on top of his own dad turning to the dark side and wrecking half the galaxy Luke probably thinks being a high level force user is too dangerous for most people to control and more trouble than it's worth.
They should should scrap the whole percentage thing and make it by points on the capture wheel. If it makes more ties then it makes more ties but the percantage thing is lame.
TruthSerum808's comments