They are about to permanently break the game in a couple of days by letting players switch to easy mode at any time during the game. You can kiss any sense of danger and suspense that you had goodbye knowing that you can switch to easy mode and 1 hit a monster at will. ....Even if you play on normal your main pawn will return with a ridiculously imbalanced number of rift crystals due to newbs flying through the game on easy mode....If you are sick and tired of companies ruining good games after you have bought them let your feelings be known here,_new_demo_coming_for_dragons_dogma
I am terrified that Capcom will listen to the bad advice given out by.some gamers for the sequel. Things I DON'T want for D.D.2: More fast travel Level scaling Chocobos Pandas Furry Cat People I just hope Capcom doesn't drop the ball like they did with DMC 2 way back in the day. I also hope they don't try to pump out a quick sequel like EA did with Dragon Age 2 because it takes at least two years to make a good rpg.
Dragons Dogma deserves all of the praise it gets. There really is nothing else out there like it. For the sequel the only thing I would want is an even bigger world, more monsters, more weapons more items and a more challenging high level endgame.
The one thing I don't understand is the people that are asking for fast travel. There is fast travel in the game, you simply have to pay for it with readily available gold. Changing that mechanic would break the game because half the fun is surviving the trip to wherever you are going.
TruthSerum808's comments