Army of Two TDC is awesome. The shootout in the church is some of the most fun I've had in a game in a long long time. If you are interested in this game at all don't listen to the haters. Either pick it up now or wait until its cheaper and you won't regret it if you are a real shooter fan. It just makes me sad that EA shut down the Visceral Canada so there won't be any more games like this. AoT: TDC is too focused and probably didn't meet their corporate criteria for mass market appeal. (No shoe-horned PvP deathmatch, no romance, no built in microtransactions) A dozen years from now Army of Two TDC will be remembered by the edgy underground crowd as one of the best shooters of this gen. Mark my words.
Sure the character names are generic, the story is nothing to write home about, and the graphics are good but not "spectacular". But in spite of all of that Army of Two TDC still manages to be an extremely fun game because they nailed the controls and most importantly the shooting. Throw in being able to customize your character and guns and you have a solid alternative for someone who doesn't feel like jumping on the Bioshock bandwagon.
I understand how a third person shooter fan would not like Gears. Although I like the setting, graphics and game design, the actual shooting itself is underwhelming in Gears. The guns lack feedback and punch. If you took the gun feedback of games like WH40k Space Marine or Kane&Lynch 2 and put it in the setting of Gears it would be the greatest shooter ever. The guns in Army of Two TDC have great feedback btw...better than Gears.
I've tried the earlier Bioshock games and I hated it. I hate the setting. It just doesn't do it for me....personal taste. I have watched a few Lets Play videos of Infinite and I have no interest playing it. 1920's random circus funhouse baloon city just doesn't do it for me
99 percent of the people that are bashing Army of Two TDC have not even played the game. Not everybody wants to join the masses and play Bioshock. Ok I get it, Army of Two doesn't check all of the boxes that a game needs these days to receive a high review score. But it does check one box, ITS FUN TO PLAY. Just look around the net for feedback from people that actually own the game and they will tell you that its a fun game.
Count me as one of the few people on the planet that bought Army of Two TDC over Bioshock Infinite and has been loving every minute of it. The Bioshock series just isn't my thing, the setting just doesn't do it for me. I like shooters and the minute to minute gameplay of Army of Two TDC is great, I don't care what anybody says. The shooting mechanics just feel....right.
Microsoft will never release a new console early in the year. They will always release it late in year for the holiday season. I would love to see a fall 2014 release to give them more time to upgrade the hardware specs.
Rage ran much better on console than it did on PC. Plus the whole driving part wasn't all that fun. ...I own both a 360 and an i7/6870hd PC and I prefer my 360 because I like kicking back on the couch with a big screen....In 2012 you can't make serious money going PC only without the game being either always on internet or mostly multiplayer because your game will be pirated up the yin yang.....I just wish the next gen console specs that are leaking looked better.
TruthSerum808's comments