All I do is random and it's a blast as long as your squad is halfway decent. The longer the game is out the easier it will be for players to instinctively act as a team.
Mcree gives you such advanced warning really the only way to get killed by his ult if is you get greedy and keep shooting out in the open instead of taking a couple of seconds off to get behind cover.
Besides, I can't tell you how many times during an average nights gaming session where I hear "I've got you in my...UNHGG!!" as someone takes him out while he's lining up his up his relatively slow ult. It's pretty hilarious. Seriously, there's no way in the world Mcree can be considered OP especially when compared to some of the other characters in the game.
I haven't had more trouble against Mcree than anybody else. Being able to overcome what at first seems like an OP ability is what is going to make the game have depth.
The devs nerfing an ability for the players instead of players figuring it out for themselves is going to take away from the multiple layers of strategy that will defelop over time.
These days I don't play MP games anymore either, (I only play SP and co-op games) but the Overwatch beta changed my mind big time and I bought it for X1.
The way the game is set up if feels more like a co-op game than a PvP fps shooter. It's hard to explain but it's seriously the most fun I've had with a new game in a long time.
TruthSerum808's comments