My 1080p television works fine. A 4k feature at this point would be useless for me. However that doesn't mean I wouldn't upgrade if they released an Xbox that pushes more polygons.
That is all I think about when I hear the name Xbox Two. Seriously, that would be a terrible name.
Also I was just telling a guy at work earlier today that Sony and MS are going to release upgraded consoles if Nintendo releases a console more powerful than the PS4 and XB1.
Stop replying until you have seen the movie. Nobody with any sense is calling BvS "mindless action". There's WAY more substance to BvS than the usual Marvel lighthearted popcorn fare.
People are criticizing BvS because they think it tries to do too much in one movie and they don't like the more serious, slower pace than the usual non-stop action comedy they were extpecting when compared to the Marvel movies.
BvS is definitely the kind of movie any fan of the genre needs to see for themselves before they form an opinion because opinions vary wildly on the movie. Three out of four of the people that I went with liked the movie including myself.
I'm with you 100% in being glad that DC is trying to do their own thing instead of trying to copypaste what Marvel is doing. I enjoyed the movie and I'm going to watch it again.
I flat out liked the BvS. I liked it better than the last two Marvel movies. (Age of Ultron and Ant-Man) and I liked it way more than SW Ep7.
I have never been a big Ben Affleck fan AT ALL but I thought he was the best thing about the movie and made a great Batman and Bruce Wayne. The other actor I was worried about was Eisnenbeg as Lex Luther but even though his character was a bit out there he was NEVER boring and that's what matters most to me.
I'm now sold on Wonder Woman as well and have no issues with portrayal in the movie at all. My only gripe was Doomsday who was a bit too much LOTR cgi troll but it didn't ruin the movie and the final battle was pretty freakng huge leaving everything on the table.
Some people might complain that the movie wasn't NON STOP ACTION but I prefer it that way. BvS had a lot of scenes giving background to different characters motivations. Some viewers might simply want to jump right back into the action but I'm not one of those viewers. Movies like Age of Ultron with nothing but non stop action all the way though end up mind numbingly dull by the end of the movie.
The thing I like the most is that DC is doing their own thing and not tryig to imitate Marvel by having everything be a big lol-joke fest with no real concequences. Things happen in BvS and they matter. I will probably see it again just to soak it all in on a big screen because there was so much to think about in this movie which is a good thing.
TruthSerum808's comments