Why the hell even show it off? They made it seem like it was going to be something the Xone could possibly have eventually. But now we find out it's not even close to being ready for consumers? You've done it again M$...
@Nishhsin @Tseng @RPGEndBoss I (tentatively) agree with your overall point but...did you just compare Dragon Age 2 with Bioshock 2...? *prepares sword for duel*
@leviathanwing @infernalism86 @KiLLLeR150 Yes but EA owns bioware, who makes the Dragon Age series, and the OP's comment was "Shut up and take my money!" Presumably talking to EA. The horse armor comment was used as an example of a blatant money grab by a video game company. One could also argue that his post wasn't insulting. maybe you should relax before telling other people what they should or shouldn't post.
@Nishhsin @Tseng @RPGEndBoss Of course it is possible. the DA series is supposed to be first and foremost RPG based, meaning they should be attracting most RPG fans despite the combat system (no one plays an RPG for the combat). DA 2 was a blatant attempt at making the game more action based, appealing to action gamers (widening the scope of the game also leads to more sales, theoretically) while at the same time alienating the original RPG audience that DA: Origins roped in. But that is beside the point. Like I said, just because the combat is Action/tactical and not one or the other doesn't automatically mean it will be mediocre, but I don't trust Bioware to get it right based on their recent track record. I hope I am wrong to be honest, but I can't stop myself from being skeptical after DA 2 burned me so bad.
@Nishhsin @Tseng @RPGEndBoss "The most important player groups" have vastly different ideas on what makes a good game. You have sports nuts, should be obvious what they like. You have FPS fans, again not a category they need to worry about. The tricky part is when you get to games that focus on story vs games that focus on action. DA:Origins was story driven, DA 2 was action driven. They both have elements of the other, but DA 2 is considered a mediocre/lame RPG because the action elements were too prominent and a hefty chunk of 'RPG-ness' was removed from the game. You can please story fans with a deep story driven game, you can please action fans with a fast paced combat based game, but to please both adequately with the same game is nigh impossible. One aspect will suffer over the other, and if the backlash from DA 2 is any indication, the majority of people would prefer story/tactical focus over on rails/action focus. I'm not saying it is impossible, there have been several great Action RPGs, it's just a tough row to hoe.
@Nishhsin @RPGEndBoss Trying to please everyone leads to frustration and mediocrity for all. I would prefer they focused one way or the other and make a great action game, or a great tactical RPG, but not some crappy amalgamation of the two.
I am tentatively optimistic. At least it seems like they are trying to take some of DA 2's criticism to heart. I'll have to wait for more info before I decide whether or not I am going to bother.
Tseng's comments