@Morphine_OD Now now, they aren't forcing you to change your play style, and we don't really know what meld is so it might not be irrelevant. If it provides an ability or equipment or what have you that you want, then you try to get your hands on it. If it doesn't provide anything you want, you ignore it. Personally, I think incentivising the player to take a few more risks during gameplay isn't a bad thing, and again it is completely optional. There was never a reason to play in any style other than "use full cover, never sprint, use over-watch", with obvious terror mission exceptions.
@pcgamer194 @Monsterkillah Yea but there are a whole slew of failed products that were technologically advanced for their time (when you look at comparable products for the time) but didn't sell because of bad marketing, poor consumer relations, and so forth. M$ was going into this gen as the hands down favorite, but they ignored their core consumers, backpedaled after the fact and as a result they are, at best, even with Sony. The product and it's abilties don't really matter at this point, as even with more features the X1 isn't significantly better than the PS4. On point, Molenyeux has been out of touch with gamers for so long it's no surprise that he agrees with draconian DRM.
@StonerDemon Yea you got me, except you were using your opinion/bias to explain why other people feel the way they feel. Some people might agree with you, but the vast majority of people that are against Digital only gaming have a practical reason for the hate. For example, disc space concerns, or (more likely) poor internet quality in their area. My point was, saying that people are against digital gaming because of 'nostalgia' and that PCs aren't associated with gaming is purely your opinion and not based on fact in any way. You can't use that reasoning to explain how other gamers feel about the issue.
@NeOmeGamer @Tseng If you say so, but at least I can post an intelligent, thought provoking response, as opposed to the vitriol you seem to love spewing. Try and take something away from this discussion; don't post random nonsense on the internet. Chances are someone is going to point out that you aren't as smart as you think you are.
@NeOmeGamer Firstly, it's 'Sleeper' Hit. Second, how do you know you have been in gaming longer than these analysts? Do you know them personally? Third, what are you basing your projections on? Unlike you they actually have data, trends and past experience predicting these things. That being said, they are just guessing, and often analysts are off/wrong, but spouting profanity, false bravado and nonsense numbers out there isn't exactly a strong counter argument.
@jedi2357 @Tseng @Raeldor Maybe it's just me, but I really don't care what a bunch of anonymous people on the internet have to say. The sales and reviews should speak for themselves, and the ones who feel the need to harass be damned. Can't see why it is so hard to just ignore the negative ones and focus on the positive, the ones who actually like your stuff. Quitting because 'the internets is too means' is, to be frank, pathetic.
@Raeldor You know what it's called? Having a thick skin. Who cares what a bunch of whiny snot nosed punks have to say on the internet? If you let it bother you to the point that you quit doing something you love, they win, your fans lose and no one is happy.
Tseng's comments