@obsequies agree, but there are many ignorant dumb consumers out there, the same lot who buy EA games every single fucking year and then complain.... if the xbone builds up an adoption then publishers will demand the same used games sales strategies on the PS4.....and sony already said its up to the publisher :( .... I'd still get a PS4 tho
@Threesixtyci @S_tephe_N The worst thing that can happen is if the Xbone sells well. Of course it wont for hardcore gamers but unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant consumers who will lap it up, the same type of people who buy EA games every single fucking year and then complain after.... if it sells well, publishers will demand the same sales opportunities in the used game market for the PS4!
@El_Zaggy you touched on something there... a lot of critics are citing over "when does your internet go down, is it really a big deal?" .... its much bigger than that, they are taking away a luxury/freedom that you've had with used games, after you let them take that, whats next?? ... Simcity showed perfectly how dependency on the cloud is...to put it bluntly.... A **** LOAD OF SHIT.
funny thing about 'facts' are that they can be made up provided you deliver it with enough confidence.... I'd love to see the '5% of gamers play previous gen titles on new gen' stat by an independent source...
I'll accept that they are both different architectures, and so BC is not easily done. What I won't accept is complete BULLSHIT.
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