@ArataWata I agree with your thoughts, but I think the general consumer is becoming a little wiser these days.
Look at Simcity, the outcry from core gamers about DRM/Cloud issues eventually reached casual consumers. Go onto amazon and look at the reviews, you can tell there are some casuals on there who are pissed, now in fairness they had to find out the hard way by purchasing the game.
Don't forget that the media is also throwing negative bias too.
@edant79 I don't remember any other console laying down soo many restrictive demands and blatantly demonstrating lack of trust with the consumer.
It isn't just a revolt by xbox fans, it's all core gamers... if such draconian measures as these are allowed then it is only a matter of time before other consoles will follow (lead by publisher demands of course).
Personally, I think this revolt is fucking brilliant
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