I enjoyed bf3 and I'm hoping to see bf4 on the next gen systems, or rather on the ps4 since the new Xbox has not been announced. I can't wait to actually get the whole battlefield experience with 64 player conquest on consoles, instead of the disappointing 24 players.
Though I'm not super stoked or anything about the kinect, I do think it being standard with the new Xbox could open the door for some interesting design elements in games. I don't think having a wider range of tools to work with is ever a bad thing.
@tdepert I also would like them to mix those two things. The characters and story in the bad company series made single player a blast and the multiplayer for bf3 was better than that of bc1 or 2. Combine the two and get an explosion of awesome!
@DJCartmell I believe it will be coming out for both this gen and next, with next gen being scaled up graphics wise and allowing 64 players among other things. All rumors of course however I believe that will be their approach.
Current gen game, huh. I don't see how something that is so highly anticipated and is coming out so close to the supposed release dates of the new consoles could not be on those new consoles. I'm hoping they will take the rumored approach of battlefield 4 and release on both this gen and next. I would love to be playing this game on a fully scaled version.
We can make all the regulations we want but what it comes down to is the parents of children playing m rated games and if they allow it or not. And even beyond that I played some violent games as a child and turned out fine. If kids are going to go off the deep end they're going to do it at some point.
I've been waiting for a new console for a few years now and am not willing to wait another year for the ps4. "Xbox 720" it is then! I would really like to see them both released around the same time frame so I could pick the better of the two, but oh well!
@tmthywtsn @TommyT456 @monson21502 Blu ray and uncharted is why I bought mine... Three years after I bought the Xbox 360. I think this is a mistake on sony's part. I'm itching for a new console and I will get the first one that comes out especially if the second isn't coming out for another year.
This is just more icing on the cake that is GTAV. I'd be happy playing the exact same type of mission over and over and over and over and over.... But now I get to play different types of missions over and over and over and over and over...
Twikee86's comments