I'm hoping that Black Ops II will be at least a satisfactory game. I had a lot of fun in the first Black Ops and then the dissapointment known as MW3 came out. I was hoping Medal of Honor would be my new shooter this year, but after playing the beta I now know that's not going to be the case. I am glad to hear you keep your weapons when you prestige, I've hated the prestige system since it came about for that reason. Hmm...maybe I'll just wait for Battlefield 4...
I like that BW is trying to remedy the situation. Though I think overall it was a bad ending. A bit of expansion might help but it's basically like staunching a wound on an already dead person.
I'm pretty sure that it was not just "some" fans angry about the ending,as stated in the article, but a vast majority of fans. Here's to hoping this expansion helps one of the biggest disappointments in gaming history. (That might be exaggerating a bit, but not much.)
I'm getting kind of tired of this talk. Whatever happened to man's quest for more power. It seems like a lack of ambition. As mentioned, not only would the graphics improve but so would A.I., physics, and processing power overall. I think the better the hardware is the better and more engrossing video games can be made.
And the talk of them being able to do everything they want on this generation... Riddle me this- Why the hell does BF3 not look as good on consoles compared to PC and only has 12v12! (To name one instance.)
This looks...umm....unique. Yet still somehow like every other CoD... I enjoyed Black Ops more than MW3 so i guess I'm looking forward to this. I don't even know anymore....
Me and my bud usually team up in a tank if the air vehicles are giving us hell. I'm usually support and man the third seat in the tank while he's an engineer with a javelin. We then switch between the guided tank missile and the javelin depending on targets. Works pretty well, but actually being one of those air vehicles is most effective by far.
I chose the blue ending cause blue is pretty and I really like blue and it made everything blue! I put as much thought in my choice as Bioware put thought in the ending.... Rage On!
Twikee86's comments