360 has Gears of War and Perfect Dark: Zero Wii has Wario Ware PS3 has none and even with such a short list both Wario Ware and PD: 0 are debatable as to their deserving of AAA darkodonnie
Yeah PS3 will be third place because fan-boys say so. This gen has only started and Sony is doing really well so far, by the end of this Month I see Sony going back on top.
You think releasing it in Europe guarantees it first place?!?!? Dream on, it's the most expensive here anyway. £425!!!! No idea about that in dollars for a comparison though.......
Killer Instinct...... definitely not. I thought Nintendo owned all the code to Goldeneye anyway so I think Rare have nothing to do with it anymore. I think Nintendo would need to seek out Activision and MGM as the latter owns Bond and Activision has the licence.
Because the outside world has embraced it and "hardcore" gamers resent that. There you have it.
Actually no, i hate the wii because of the fanboys, that seem to think that even jesus couldn't have built a better console. in general, i don't think there is anything revolutionary about the wii, and thats why i'll be getting a ps3.
That's a bit silly. If you hate the fanboys so much, ignore them and enjoy gaming.
There is hardly a game drought for it...... SSX Blur and Sonic just came out and we've got Eledees and Super Paper Mario to look forward to in April.....
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