Inflammatory statement used as headline to get people to read a total waste of an article completely unrelated to the headline, THAT'S awesome gaming journalism! I want those three minutes of my life back.
@Banhammered1 @Rayzakk @UdderJuice @Vidpci @Sampawende I happen to also game on the 360, the Wii, and DS and I love them all equally. I can assure however that the best value is on Steam.
@CaptainHerlock I used to think like you guys. In the last five years I have used Steam more and more. The sales they run are RIDICULOUS. I pay less than 15 bucks for 90% of my games now. Games only six months old. But keep kicking and screaming if you want to. You are in denial. I bet most of you are in your 20’s or younger too which explains a lot.
@Rayzakk @UdderJuice @Vidpci I’m sure you would be saying the same thing if you were part of the team that busted their ass to produce something for others to enjoy. There is so much self-centeredness on display here its amazing. A bunch of people who only care about themselves. I bet you are all Republicans.
@GrandMaster555 @Rayzakk There will always be people who will buy some games digital full price on release day. I did with the new Tomb Raider. Other games you wait for the sale. You have to pick and choose wisely. Trust me. The Steam model is where the industry is headed.
@Rayzakk You’re talking about one chair or one car every what, five or ten years? Opposed to the what, 10 – 20 games a year you play through and trade? Use some logic in your arguments if you are going to try and talk about this.
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