Ultra-Alue's forum posts
[QUOTE="Tmills_basic"]Yeah i was just so upset/angry that i was driving halfway home by the time i thought to report him. Its just dissapointing. liamabob
Thats a harsh story, but how many hypocrites are on here?
The majority of posts on here say you could have gotten "Her" fired.
May not be racist, but it sure is sexist.
I'm not going to bother reading through this huge thread because I'm sure it's filled with comments that all say the exact same thing, but I kind of wonder why you would think that's sexist.
From the first post in this thread it doesn't sound at all like he's attacking her because she's a woman, but because of the choice she made to think on a racial stereotype aloud instead of keeping her mouth shut. Saying he's a sexists just because he wanted to get a woman fired for saying something that he found racially offensive is just silly. That's like saying "hey that white man disagrees with that black man about ketchup. He's a racists."
It isn't just people's opinions. These people are stating it like it's THE LAW, the FACTS of life. While in reality, every single rating on Halo 3 is extremely high, so therefore it can't suck or be "over hyped".
This isn't just with the Halo series. Every single time a kick ass game arrives that is heads and shoulders above the competition,
But when people come into this thread blatantly sipping their hateraid while talking down at Bungie and their work of art, it's just plain aggravating/annoying.
So in conclusion this isn't just about Halo. This happens every damn time something big comes out. All these noobs rise up out of their chairs to try and bring it down, but they horribly fail because they have no logic in their mind. It's like trying to bring down Star Wars! Sorry, you can't bring down George Lucas' masterpiece no matter how many things you try and find wrong with it.
You see the problem with your arguement is that you think you are right because the majority agrees with you. Which really are just a bunch of opinions.
Little comments like "Bungie's work of art" and games that are "heads and shoulders above the competition" really doesn't help your side of the case. While Halo 3 is successful at the most important aspect that any game should be aiming for, being fun, that doesn't exactly make it a "kick ass" game.
....oh well. But yeah its time to end racism people.
There will be racists people. It's something you will simply have to deal with. To end racism you'd pretty much have to eliminate any person who is different then you in any way, shape or form.
I for one welcome diversity. A planet with all white people would simply be really boring. But races hating on other races, well... that's just what humans tend to do whenever groups of people of a similiar tone come together.
The majority of reviews cite the graphics as one of the flaws of Halo 3. The phrase "nice but could have been much better" seems to get used alot.Alexis_Fire
Well... yes.. that is true. Some textures could use better detail, and some character models would defiantely benefit from extra polygons, but the Halo franchise has never really been the most graphically amazing things around on the Xbox. It's never been about having the most polygons, it's more about character and personality with some somewhat original charm to it.
The first Xbox had better looking games such as Chronicles of Riddick and Doom 3. I'm not really surprised Halo 3 would continue this tradition onto the next Xbox console. I'm betting it's not something Bungie was aiming for, but that won't stop some people from making the same mistakes and or design decisions they have made in the past.
[QUOTE="Ultra-Alue"][QUOTE="Alexis_Fire"]1. The graphics are a real let down. Where is the "new-gen" factor. It looks just like halo 2 with slight tweaks.
Unless you have a TV that was made in 98, I really don't think you have any idea of what you are talking about.
Nope I have a nice little 19" HD TV that I got about 4 months ago. It looks good but no where near as good as it could have been. Look at other 360 games and the graphical power of them then look at Halo 3. A flagship deserves better.
Exactly what flagship titles are you comparing it with? Keep in mind a few things.
Halo 3 = Freaking huge enviroments and next to no load times in the levels and it can somehow handle all of this with an always solid framerate on the 360. An impressive feat right there.
While the character models are not up to par with Gears of War, think of how many of them can be onscreen at once. And how many of them are scattered throughout the levels. Gears of War had a great amount of detail, but it had that at the cost of a much simplier enviromental detail, and much smaller levels. A few of the levels in Gears of War looked outstanding. But they are scarce and do not really have alot of things it needs to concern itself with.
While Gears of War has higher polygon counts on it's characters, Halo 3 has so many more characters at once. And they don't look bad either. Except for some of the human soldiers...
1. The graphics are a real let down. Where is the "new-gen" factor. It looks just like halo 2 with slight tweaks.
Unless you have a TV that was made in 98, I really don't think you have any idea of what you are talking about.
Halo 3 would have been so much more satisfying for me if the developers didn't decide to rape the battle rifle by making it sound like piss hitting leather boots. Seriously. Why can't they make the gun actually sound like it has some punch to it?
Besides some bad voice acting (Cortana and the GraveMind), much easier overall difficulty, AI that has a few problems (like standing in the open after they see you snipe their friends balls off) and one of the absolute slowest escape finales in video game history, "look out master chief the ring is gonna blow!" "LoL ok, but I'll only go 20 miles per hour. Gas is expensive these days." There really isn't much to complain about in the game.
[QUOTE="Ultra-Alue"][QUOTE="justin_06"]i personally think graphics in video games will exceed that of real life.LivingReceiver
You can't be serious...
its already true, when the hell in real life have you ever seen something as beautiful as the images you may have seen in Gears of War, or Mario Galaxy, or UT 3, or Eternal Sonata or Heavenly sword.
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