@GunnyHath Actually, it was held by braces from the side which is shown in the Special Features disc of the Original Trilogy box set thing. Just thought I'd throw in some Star Wars nerd facts. :)
While in my opinion Halo 4 is a great game, for me, Halo 4 took (in some ways, not in all) 1 step forward and two steps back. Mostly in Customs, Forge, and Multiplayer.
Customs introduced a couple new game modes and new options, but took away tons of options for game types like Flood, and took some game types completely out.
Forge added a few new forge items/options, but the 3 new forge world maps are much smaller than the original, and have too many kill zone boundaries, causing the already small forge maps to be even smaller.
Multiplayer added CoD style killstreak rewards, but the randomness of it can be quite irritating at times. Playlists are also very very bland and few in number. Gone are the days when (in previous Halo titles) I could hop into game types like Multi-team, double team, Grifball, action sack, team objective, anniversary slayer, and much more whenever I wanted.
Ultra_Taco's comments