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Uma-Chan Blog

Week is over!

Well, technically..the week isn't over yet, but for me, it's done with, and I couldn't be any happier with it completing it's cycle..

First off, my first grading quarter is over with, tomorrow is the last day of grading, and I assume it'll pretty much be a make-up day, so that means, i'll have more time to relax in class, which is always good in my book. :D

As some of you cool kids have been following my recent blogs, and my obsession, which may be a bit of an exaggeration on my part, with this girl i've been mentioning a lot..and my feelings with her, are still lingering stronly, but she just won't accept them for some reason..funny thing, she has this thing for another guy..but he doesn't even like her, even though he says it a lot..he has a gf, which makes no sense..because if really "liked" her, they'd be together..but nonetheless, she won't get that through her skull, so i'll have to talk to her tomorrow, and tell her the facts, and she'll probably get mad, and cuss..and make a HUGE deal out of nothing, but i'm willing to accept that, as long as she'll accept the truth..

We got our homecoming game on Saturday, which means, a pep rally! :D ..i'm not as excited for the pep rally as I am for getting out of 5th and 6th block..which aren't really bad classes..but, the less classes on a Friday, the happier Uma will be..and Uma will be very happy. Us Sophmores have to wear gray..and wow, I don't have a single gray shirt..or pants...but, do they make gray pants anyway? :lol: doesn't matter, i'll probably wear a black shirt..since, I need to wear something, hopefully..we win, and represent our grade. :D ..of course, our football team will lose..they are facing a 7-1 team..and they have NO chance of winning..because, they have the talent, but no coaching of any type..which sucks for them, but not for me, because I love making fun of my friends' and their failed football team. :lol:

That's it for this week..just wanted to keep up-to-date on my blog, and keep you all in the light, since I know you're all afraid of the dark..:lol: that's it, see you folks when I get my report card...correction, you might not..since my internet will be taken away..even when I got my computer reformatted..:(

Awww, come on!

Well, if any of you read my few previous blogs, I let you folks know about this girl I was gonna' ask to homecoming, and how I had a crush on her and whatev'..well, a few minutes ago..we're talking on AIM and whatever, and she starts throwing this curve ball of a question at me.

I mean, I knew what she was asking, but she was scared to ask me..and after I figured out what it was, she got embarrased, and I told her she ain't have too, and she asked me do I like her, and I told her I did, and that I was being as real as I could be with her at that point in time..well, she starts throwing this crap about how it's weird, since we're best friends and whatever..and it got me to thinking, don't most people start their relationships as friends and they grow with eachother, getting too know the other person better, and then letting their relationship blossum into love?..anywho, I told her that I still liked her no matter what, and that I was being as honest as possible and that I liked her since last year..

She calls me weird, and a total dumbas..and, it doesn't bother me, because she's never seen me in that state, being honest, and true with my feelings..and she said she didn't "know" about us..

We'll see what this develops and i'm gonna' stay true to my feelings about her, even though she might change around me..

That's it for this blog post, I just wanted to get this out before I exploded..thanks for everyone that atleast read it, and double thanks to everyone that comments, I appreciate it guys. :)

P.S., "I" was used 19 times in this blog. :lol:


Well, I was talking my friend, the one I was gonna' ask to homecoming, ANYWAY, it turns out her parents won't let her that means, I get a free night off..OR, I still might go and look like a loser, and friend wants me to meet his gf, and who knows..I might pick-up a date before the week's over

That's it, just wanted to let everyone know the situation..oh, and homecoming's on the's CLOSE!

Oh, and before I go..i'm messing around with FRAPS, and the Half-Life Demo, and I might get a few user videos up of me playing the game..we'll see if it works out.

Until next time, your only star in the sky, UMA! :D

Random blog..type thing

Haven't made a journal entry in a bit, so I decided I would make one..for safe measure, i'd hate if for my fans to forget about me..:lol: ..anyway, enough ranting, onto the random! :D

Let's see, well today I took the P.L.A.N test, which was 3 hours long, and consisted of four parts..English, Reading, Math, and Science..I think I did well on the english, reading, and science parts..but I bombed on the Math, right after question 9 (40 questions in all) I just guessed my way through..

Next week is the end of the first grading quarter at my school, and then i'll get my report card and i'll see how I did, and if my Math grade isn't a C or above, i'm gonna' lose my internet for the whole year..:lol: can't wait..and it doesn't even bother me, because i've been without the internet for a year before, I can survive..:lol: Probably..

Also, we are having our homecoming next Saturday, following the homecoming football game on Friday..I didn't feel like going, but now I do..since i've developed a crush on one of my friends..and we've been getting closer for a few weeks now..hopefully, she's not going with anyone and I can ask if she wants to go..and if that doesn't work, I can always see if she's up to go see Saw III with me. :D Oh, and the theme is "A Night to fall Inlove"..a perfect fit ehh? :lol:

Well, that's all I can think off, I just needed to throw some stuff onto "paper" and free my mind to soak up more I can entise you folks with my amazing life. :D

If you have any homecomings comming up, or any that have passed and you'd like to share, feel free..if you have that special someone, feel free to let me know, that's it..Until next time, Uma-Chan signing outtttttt!!!

Max Payne!

Well, on Friday..I went down to my local Gamecrazy and decided to buy a few games, since i've been needing to add some into my collection, and with these four I bought, my collection is at 197 games. :D

Anywho, back to my main topic..I found Max Payne 2 in the Xbox section, and since I had already bought the first one and beat it, I decided I should grab this one and finish off the story.

Well, I beat it lastnight, around 2:30 AM EST, and I must say it was a very fun game to play, the physics rocked, and bullet time is still there and it's even better this time around, since the physics let you toss bodies around and whatnot..but let me not get off topic on ya'll..what I was gonna' say is.....

I WANT A MAX PAYNE SEQUEL!!!!!! Yes..I really do want another MP to come out, or maybe an expansion pack..with more weapons and other crap like that..but whichever happens to come out, i'd love for it to happen..since I want another MP game.

Oh, and I also bought Street Fighter: Alpha Anthology..can't wait for my friend to come over, so I can whoop his ass in it, and I bought Silpheed for the PS2, and Deus Ex: Invisible War for the Xbox. Both games are fun, but Silpheed edges out DX by a bit in the fun category.

I also got my first progress report this year,  and i'm only failing Algebra 1 with an 51.7%..not much, considering that i'm only failing because I haven't made up a quiz yet..which I plan on doing this coming Monday.

That's it for this edition of The L&T of Uma!..if anyone has any games they beat and would like to share, feel free and if anyone wants a sequel for a game to come out, share that too..and if anyone wants to **** about how their school is horrible and/or really uneducated, feel free to share that aswell. :)

A new year..and stuff

Well, I haven't made a blog in a while, so I thought i'd update a bit, y' I don't keep my fans in suspense. :D

So, where to begin..oh, well I started school last week. It's going alright so far, my classes are as followed:

Algebra 1

French 1


English 10


American History

Standard classes, pretty boring, 'cept French, English and Fitness. I got a few of my old friends in my classes, so it's not a complete loss, plus i'm already making new friends, which rocks, and I also got a few cute girls in my classes which makes it 10 times better. :D :D

I haven't even gotten close to beating my list of games..I just don't find playing them fun.

My friend who left for Holland came back a few days ago, I missed him and really glad to see him come back. :)

That's pretty much it, nothing really interesting. If you folks have anything to share, such as when you are going back to school or if you're already there what does your scedule consist of, any cute girls/boys in your classes, and new friends or if you've beaten a game you'd like to let us know, feel free to share. =D

Top 10

The title may be misleading, but the reasoning behind it isn', onto the entry.

I've been doing some thinking, and i've decided that I need to beat atleast half of the games I have, since I have so many and I haven't even been trying to beat them, plus summer is over and I wanna' cram in as much gaming as possible, so i've advised a list of 10 games i'm gonna' try and beat (not to 100% of course) before the summer is up, so here is the list and I hope you enjoy:

1. Doom 3

2. Bf2: Modern Combat -completed- (7/31/06, 1:13 am)

3. Black Hawk Down

4. Sudeki

5. Gungrave: Overdose  -completed- (8/8/06, 4:22 pm)

6. Destroy All Humans!

7. Dead to Rights II -completed- (8/8/06, 5:51 pm)

8. Vexx

9. Turok: Evolution

10. Rampage: Total Destruction

There's the list, you can dissect it however you want, and if you wanna' share any recent or memorable game beatings, feel free to share, i'd love to read about them.

Until the next installment of the journal, this is Uma, signing out!

P.S.-If anyone has any game(s) they are trying to beat, also feel free to share, i'd like to see what my friends are playing. :)

I passssseeedddddddddddddd!!!1

Well, if you can read you and have read my previous journal entry you'll know what i'm talking about. Instead of leaving you folks with nothing , i'll share how it all unfolded. :D

My older brother woke me up at 11:18am and told me to get ready to go return my book(s) and of course I got it prepped and waited for him to fix his car, and then we were on our way.

I was feeling pretty excited to be back in the school, and too finally get my grades, and we were about halfway to the school when my bro' tells me he forgot his wife's paycheck and we to needed to go back home and pick it up..

While I was in the car, having the hot ass sun beat down on my face, I thought about the grades, and what they would end up being. I also watch some construction being done to the apartment next to my bro's, it was actually fun to watch to me honest.

After waiting for a good 5-10 minutes my bro' pops back out of his apartment and we are on our way once again, and this time the excitement was brinking on it's peak, but I kept myself contained as best as possible.

We reach the school and get buzzed in, and a sense of nostalgia rushed over me as I walked the main hall to the school. When we entered the office, one of the ladies gave us the rundown and I handed my book in, and then she began lecturing me on my carelessesness with the other book, "blah blah blah" was what I heard, and then we ended up having to pay for the Math book, which cost roughly 60$ and in the end, I got my report card and passed, not with high marks, but good enough that I am moving on to the 10th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO UMAAAAAA!

Well, that's it for this blog entry, I thank you all for reading and hope I didn't kill anyone with my one better have died damnit! NO ONE!

Stay tuned for the next installment of my journal as I try to beat Doom 3!

Late entry..

Well, I haven't "writtin" in my blog in almost a month, and I feel it's time to update all my fans on the happening in Uma's life. :D

Onto the business!!

Well, first off, my aunt who left our family to go back to Bosnia is coming back in August for a doctor's appointment, we aren't sure if the whole family is coming back to live in America yet..

On another note relating too the first order of business, a friend of mine left America for Holland at the beginning of the month of June, and is coming back a day after school begins, which is around August 29th..ish

A third note of relating too the first topic, my grandparents have left to Bosnia too, they left on Monday and I don't know when they are returning, they did leave me a nice gift..a soccer ball, which I am happy to receive since i've been needing one.

Second piece of my business. I haven't gotten my report card. I didn't receive it because I have some books at my apartment I didn't return two books. I have one left in my locker, which I hope they found inside there, and the second is on my desk in my room, and i'm hoping to return it within the next week, since I wanna' know if I failed or passed..

On a bit of sad news, my friend's grandfather might die...I don't know the old man personally, but it'll be a sad thing to see him go.

Well, that's all the time we have for this edition of Uma's blog, tune in next time for more excitement as Uma tries to return his books to school!

A stake in my heart..

Today, a stake was forced into my heart. Here's how I found out the news: I was downstairs eating some baked beans and reading my June issue of EGM, when my mom got a call from my grandma. I didn't pay much attention until the conversation was over with. I asked my mom why my grandma called, and my mom said it was because my aunt was going to stay in Bosnia for the rest of her life..I was devastated..

That is because, Bosnia is all the way on the other side of the world, and I have no way of seeing my cousins ever again, only when they visit, and that's not likely since they are set on staying in Bosnia. I'm more saddended because I won't get to be with my little cousins, and they aren't even that old..both under 10 if memory serves me right. So, i've been lazily sulking around my apartment, just thinking, like we all do when something bad happens.

I can't leave you folks with sadness in your hearts for me, I have great news also. First off, i'm officially done with 9th grade, as of today, June 8th. I didn't go to school because, I knew I would be emotional about it, so I stayed home.

Secondly, a minor accomplishment, i've beaten Jade Empire, it was done this morning, and may I be the first to strongly urge any fans of RPG games to pick this game up.

Now to the final piece of news, I, Uma-Chan will be going to a wedding in 2 1/2 weeks I believe, and no it isn't mine. :lol: Anyway, it's for my Uncle who is getting married, and his wife is rich so the wedding will be decked out, and who knows, you folks might get a picture to name the person behind the name. I can't wait to see myself in a tux. :lol: It's going to be fun, and as an added bonus, there will be females for me to talk to, since i'm sure the wedding itself will be boring. :D

For my closing comments, i'd like to thank all the people who read and reply, namely two, Bojocon and True_Gamer, thanks for being the first few to reply with such speed. :) It's like you two are ninjas :shock: And also, if you folks have any recently beaten games you would like to share feel free, or if you wanna let us know about some departed family, feel free to share, i'd love to know more about you. :)