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Uma-Chan Blog

Part II.

Final 'part' in the entry. Today I finished my Math final, and i don't think I did well on the second part..but we'll see. There isn't much left to do in Math anymore, 2morrow and Friday are make-up days, and next week is a toss-up really.

I've scanned my computer, and found 6-10 trojons in my computer, it's really hurting my computer, and I don't want to ask my brother to reformat, because he'll be bugging about the whole pr0n issue, maybe i'll just stick it out with my crapper trapper. :)

Next week is the official 'Finals Week,' which means i'm starting and completing all my finals in the last official week of school, my last final should be done on June 5th, so it's all good. 2 days after, school is done with. :D

That's all for now, feel free to post comments, and any updates on your finals that you are already done with, and/or are starting to take.

Part I.

Hello folks, Uma here, writing in my journal again. :) First off, I leveled up again, i'm now 'I Feel Asleep!!.' w00t.

Finals are coming up soon for me. I currently finished the first part of my Math final, and i'm finishing it up completely 2morrow. All my other finals will begin after Memorial Day, since it's the last week of school (ends June 7th-8th?)

Before I depart, my computer has been running, really, really, really slow lately, and I haven't been able to come on a lot, I will see if my bro can reformat my comp, but I really don't wanna go through that. If there are any tips, or helpful sites/programs/etc, and that provide my computer aid, feel free to let me know..

P.S.; Don't say, 'stop downloading pr0n,' because i haven't..<.< I've just been saving stuff i've seen. :lol:!!

Until next time, 


10 FREAKING K, + a whole bunchs of other stuff

Hey folks, Uma here, letting you in on what's going on in my life. This might be long blog, but i'll try to shorten it out as best as I can. Thanks for reading and enjoy. ^_^

I recently attained a new emblem on Gamespot. I got ahold of it by watching the Sony press conference live. I also wanted Nintendo's and Microsoft's emblems, but those press conference were held during my school hours..:(

A few weeks ago, I got my final school issued progress report. I got two referrals for my failing grades, and they were in Science, which I currently hold an 69.8 % fourth quarter grade, and in Computer class..which is a half credit..and my grade is horribly low, a 50.4 % overall. My Sciece grade will definetly raise itself up to a C+ or B-. On the other hand my Computer class grade, which i'm doubting will fix itself in time for final report card mailings. FYI, in Computer for the 3rd quarter I had an 34.4 % as a final that subject for now.

When today's school day is over, i'll have only 18 days of school left. w00t. I've made many friends during my first year in highschool, and it slowy, but steadily as flown by like *snaps fingers* <<that. For the most part, i'm passing 6/7 classes. Pretty good if I say so myself. :)

Last week my mom and I got into an arguement in which I told her I have no mom..and she..took that pretty hard and decided never to talk to me again. After a few days of us hating eachother, we made up, via her talking to me..WELL, today, she dropped the ball. She said that if Iget kicked  out of school for missing to many days (because I missed the bus to school today) that she doesn't want me to ever come to her house again..and of course she also told me she doesn't want to speak to me again..I was saddened of course to hear that from my own mom, but I knew it would come sooner or later..

I began reading a book recently titled;  The Thousand Orcs, which is the first book in The Hunter's Blade Trilogy, i've only managed to read a few pages since getting the book because i've been pretty stressed out over the past few weeks, but it's an enjoyable reading so far. It has 367 pages in it, and i've only conquered 78 pages..:lol:


I Uma..the great, have hit 10K! Yes you heard it right, the 10K. It's been an adventure through my GS life..and i'm not stopping at 10K, I want to assure all those who thought I would leave. So rejoice at my staying and throw me a party if you wish, i'll come. :D

500 left + Other crap

Hey folks, Uma here, keeping you up to date on what's happening. First off, i've gone up another level, yay me. :) I'm am officialy a Super Bagman. :lol:

Second, i'm putting up a review for Tekken 5 sometime in the few hours, i'd appreciate if anyone of you could read, or just skim through and reccommend it or not, whichever is fine.

Finally, i've hit 9500 posts, w00t w00t. This may not seem something of greatness, but if you've read any of my past blog posts, i've contemplated leaving GS after hitting the big 10k, now as i've been thinking, i really don't know if I want to leave, I hope to come to a decision upon reaching my 10k.

That is all for this blog, thank you for reading and have a good day.

Reviews mod maybe?

I've been looking through some random games, for no apparent reason and i've come to the happenings of some sneaky users on here. The sneaky nature of the users is not at all a good thing. Here's why;

1. Some "reviewers" review the games, before they've even come out. For example, before Subsistance was even released, i've seen reviews that've come 2 weeks, prior to the release, maybe they somehow have come across a copy, but I highly doubt it.

2. Some reviewers abuse their power to write reviews. I've seen blatent hate on a game because of gamers tastes, or fanyboyism. I know people are entitled to their opinions, but come on, do we really need to read a review about a kid hating on, for example on Forza Motorsport because they like Gran Turismo, or vice-versa.

3. I've seen this today, and this is how this blog came to existance. Reviewers are also putting down random, half-assed, not even spell checked writing. I saw a review in particular where someone put; not even that good and then followed with ";;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;etgdsgfdhdfh;g;;f;;fds;f;sh;fgh;f;g;h;;jfdj;j;df" for the rest of the review, I mean, come on? wtf is that?

Now, I know some of you will say to me; "don't read the review, simple as that" Okay, I agree, I don't have to but! there are reviewers who've put lots of time into writng full-hearted reviews and have them shaded by dumbasses wanting points and acknowledgement? Come on, that isn't right in any way possible.

And finally, i've thought about it, how about trying to come up with a new solution for having reviews on the site, for example...a review mod, who has all powers as a mod, but can only extend it to reviews, and by this I mean his suspension allowment can only be issued to reviewers, maybe i'm not thinking to deeply, but that's my opinion on this, thanks for the read and respond please. =)

One of those long one's folks

Been a while since i've made a bloggy. I thought i'd catch you folks up on what's been going on here, in Uma's life. It might be a long blog post so try and bear with me as best as possible, thanks. =)

First order of business, i'm getting a review up for Tekken 5 and Half-Life 2 for the Xbox up tonight, i'd appreciate if some of you could quickly glance over, and then agree or dissagree with the review, either is appreciated.

Secondly, I don't think i'm getting a job at the zoo as I previously mentioned, I don't acctually know but I haven't gotten an application yet, so i'm assuming two things; they got someone, or two they don't need me..whichever is the choice is fine by me.

Thirdly, if that's even a word..I am on the border of deciding to get Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, i do have the first Splinter Cell, and I enjoyed it, not a lot, but enough to play it for a while. Anyway, to my question, should I get it, simple yes or no and if you'd like give a reason why. Thanks.

And finally, I got my complementary issue of OPM because of my joing of Playstation Underground. I got a demo disk inside, which included Fight Night: Round 3, AFL, and Tomb Raider: Legend. Fight night, was fun, I didn't get much to do of course, but from what I got it was fun. AFL..was badish you could say, I like Arena football play, but the controls were not that good. Tomb Raider: Legend was amazing as far as i've played it. Lara's model was done nicely, overall graphics were nice, the controls sometimes were alittle laggy, but either then that good game so far.

Well thansk for reading, much appreciated and enjoy the rest of your week, because I know I will, being on Spring Break and all. =D

Hopefully, getting myself a j0b!

Hey folks, Uma here, wishing you all a safe week. Now too my news. I, Uma, the great, will be getting a j0b!!1

Uma, a j0b? WTF? yeah. My bro's wife's friend is a supervisor at the zoo..yeah, a zoo. Anway, she asked me like 30 minutes ago if I wanted an application and I happily said yes. I should get one 2morrow or the next day, and i'll be a working person.

I decided to get the j0b since I am being pretty lazy as of late and got two F's on my report card..dissapointing, I chose to do the job so I could have less time to game and focus more on school and work, i'll have any updates if they arise, wish my luck.

BTW, i'll be the only guy working there :D

No supports to hold themselves up

Why do people, especially on the internet use us; their friends, and "family" as strucutual supports when they need some advice on a dying loved one? Or even better, love..i mean i'd gladly advise you, but don't drabble on and drag out the issue more then it needs to be..

Also, why do people on here, when being confronted and proven to be sad or even depressed, ask us; friends and "family", once again for help, but when we offer this support to the one in need, they turn on us, and give us the old "thanks, but that isn't helping". I mean, come on, you ask and then you return fire and put me down for helping..

I don't know where this entry came from, i've just been reading around on people's blogs and my messengers and i've been asked too and i've finally decided to speak my mind on this subject.

If any, and by any of mean the 4-6 of you that actually post in my blog have anything insightful or useful, or even stupid to say, please speak. Thanks for reading, oh and expect a review and cutting of 10 friends from my list in the next hour. =)


Well GS suspended me again, 3 days this time over something that happened 10 days ago, i'm not blaming the mods, they just do their job.

Anywho, i went to Gamecrazy and bought Coldwinter(PS2) Gungrave: Overdose(PS2) and Doom III. I will have reviews up for the first too, but Doom III..hell no. It is freakin' creepy. I stop playing everytime at the part where you have to go to Marine HQ and you go to this door and a zombie hand rips through..scary.

But yeah, that's it, oh and i get 3 free month's of PLAY magazine, another gaming magazine.

Rebirth of Uma

HEY FOLKS, UMA IS BAX..*insert laugh smiley here*

I took an "extended" break and had to think some stuff over about my life. I came to the realization that i really don't need to be worrying about you folks posting in my journal, that's why i am taking the initiative and cutting people from my friend's list, you may be cut right now, or 2morrow, whenever it comes, expect it.

Don't take it bad, and don't get mad, but you really have no interest in me, and vice-versa. I also have been ontop of my school work, well in the classes i'm slumping in anyway. I am expecting to get my first issue of EGM 2morrow, or atleast the "bonus" book i should be recieving for my purchase.

Thank you, the few for reading this, oh and my blog will affect your survival as a friend, just letting you folks know. =) 

Just so there is no hard feeling for any of you dropped, here is a hilarious video. No screamer and it's mainly babies laughing..weird, trust me.
