Everytime an XBL charged shows up on our statement I tell my wife we were hacked lol. Don't be gullible ;)
Uncle_Tbag's forum posts
Is that what it scored?
Sounds like of case of "good game but more of the same." Seems to be a lot of that lately. It seems critical mass time for some new damn IPs.
I'd like to spend more time replying to your nice post, but I'll just say the amount of INFORMATION we have on games is a huge blessing.
I still remember buying Daikatana at release *sniff*. That would never happen now.
You don't; you fight "freedom fighters." Stupid political correctness.
We should be fighting terrorists, not those culturally ordained as "freedom" terrorists.
There's more access to "roots" games via dl services than ever before.
People who create games have roots in the genre, not the players. Have readers of fiction forgotten their roots in the modern novel because they don't read Rabelais or Mallory? Nah.
[QUOTE="sorello"]To the self-professed cleric: Perhaps I should have used the word "one" when I typed - In the end it shows your (ones) ignorance lacking communication levels to better express yourself rather than just saying oh "F### it". - unquote. It certainly is easier to swear rather than use reason or making cognisant rational argument. But for one condemning my perceived insult (which it wasn't) you sure throw a bunch back! I did not know you cared so much about keeping this new medium of vulgar communication that you would not even contemplate the allowance of a profanity filter, such as in online games like World of Warcraft. Oh, did you forget that WoW has the BIGGEST volume of users than any other video game today? Maybe WoW is not realistic enough for you; you must have your swearing "fix". As for my view, which I've stated many times that is all it is, it is not greater than anyone else's, especially a Grand Poobah such as yourself. The fact I believe there is a deliberate reason why the game makers refuse to allow that which is included in World of Warcraft, a profanity filter or 'bleeper', shows to me ill intent or evil. Swearing as I said in my first preface is easy to copy and carry from games than mutilation or violent imagery. To copy the latter acts one who have to commit a major crime, a threshold most normal folk choose not to cross. But they can resort to using more foul language because of the casual influence of games, something I REPEAT was barely around a couple of years ago. Something that is easier to imitate is more of a threat particularly when a vast majority deems the source offensive. And as much as you like to pontificate, words do harm - that is one of the basic ways which we communicate: you even managed to be offended by my use of the word ignorance in a global term, and ignorance is not the same as stupidity. The youth has always rebelled in one form or another, but in the 60 and 70s they formed the Hippie movement and opposed the Vietnam War. Today that lot are referred to demeaningly as "Tree Huggers". And how do you know today's intolerance and bad behaviour is not partly or greatly to blame on excessive bad language? You claim they are merely reflective on society, yet similar views to mine were expressed by many black community leaders regarding the influence of 'gangsta rap' which people like you claimed was simply reflecting "the streets". You don't have to agree with my opinion, and I equally yours. The point is where were you about two years ago when there was hardly any swearing in video games? When did you first come to this view that swearing in games is 'cool' and those who don't like it must have no choice, no profanity filter but just suffer ignominious and unconditional acceptance?CarnageHeart
You're in a game-forum populated with kids who have yet to form any sense of the real impact of morality and the impact ofhow one comports themselves in society. Not that I really agree with you a whole lot, but you're getting way mistread here. But that's to be expect in a game forum, right?
Its always a shame when someone is mistread on a gaming forum.
Its hilarious and horrifying that the TC believes gory dismemberment and death is wonderful stuff, but winces whenever he hears profanity.
Or when typos inspire retreads to comment.
I don't mind violence or language in games, but this extremely played-out drawing of correlaries between the two misses the point. It is natural for most people to recoil from violence, and therefore to be less influenced by it and act out what they see. Profanity hurts no one, is just low class in many cases, and it's much more easy to have your own lexicon "enriched" by what you hear.
To the self-professed cleric: Perhaps I should have used the word "one" when I typed - In the end it shows your (ones) ignorance lacking communication levels to better express yourself rather than just saying oh "F### it". - unquote. It certainly is easier to swear rather than use reason or making cognisant rational argument. But for one condemning my perceived insult (which it wasn't) you sure throw a bunch back! I did not know you cared so much about keeping this new medium of vulgar communication that you would not even contemplate the allowance of a profanity filter, such as in online games like World of Warcraft. Oh, did you forget that WoW has the BIGGEST volume of users than any other video game today? Maybe WoW is not realistic enough for you; you must have your swearing "fix". As for my view, which I've stated many times that is all it is, it is not greater than anyone else's, especially a Grand Poobah such as yourself. The fact I believe there is a deliberate reason why the game makers refuse to allow that which is included in World of Warcraft, a profanity filter or 'bleeper', shows to me ill intent or evil. Swearing as I said in my first preface is easy to copy and carry from games than mutilation or violent imagery. To copy the latter acts one who have to commit a major crime, a threshold most normal folk choose not to cross. But they can resort to using more foul language because of the casual influence of games, something I REPEAT was barely around a couple of years ago. Something that is easier to imitate is more of a threat particularly when a vast majority deems the source offensive. And as much as you like to pontificate, words do harm - that is one of the basic ways which we communicate: you even managed to be offended by my use of the word ignorance in a global term, and ignorance is not the same as stupidity. The youth has always rebelled in one form or another, but in the 60 and 70s they formed the Hippie movement and opposed the Vietnam War. Today that lot are referred to demeaningly as "Tree Huggers". And how do you know today's intolerance and bad behaviour is not partly or greatly to blame on excessive bad language? You claim they are merely reflective on society, yet similar views to mine were expressed by many black community leaders regarding the influence of 'gangsta rap' which people like you claimed was simply reflecting "the streets". You don't have to agree with my opinion, and I equally yours. The point is where were you about two years ago when there was hardly any swearing in video games? When did you first come to this view that swearing in games is 'cool' and those who don't like it must have no choice, no profanity filter but just suffer ignominious and unconditional acceptance?sorello
You're in a game-forum populated with kids who have yet to form any sense of the real impact of morality and the impact ofhow one comports themselves in society. Not that I really agree with you a whole lot, but you're getting way mistread here. But that's to be expect in a game forum, right?
"Evil" is an extraordinary claim, and you haven't provided any extraordinary evidence. This is the type of hypothesis that gets thrown out instantly after being subjected to any skeptical investigation.
Again, you believe "that there is a clear attempt to lower youth values with indoctrination through films, music and video games." Where is the proof that would support such a claim? Nevermind the conspiracy theory, where is the basic proof that swearing can even possibly have such an influence?syztem
If you've ever gone from a relatively "clean' verbal environment to hanging around people who swear like long-shoreman, what other people say has quite an impact on how we talk.
Also, I think harping on the available scientific evidence may be too much. Sociology is a complicated and often conflicting thing, not even really a true science IMO, so we have to go a bit with common sense; although I know this is anecdotal speaking, but the idea of what we see and hear infliuences our own actions is pretty common sensical. Hnag around with a bad crowd, you are much more likely to act badly, including language.
So, gratuitous amounts of blood and gore isn't a problem but swearing is? And besides, these games are rated M. Obviously there is going to be a few curses here and their because they are aimed at a mature audience who no doubt will probably use these words themselves.Just-Breathe
Use these words themselves, but commit gratituous acts of bloody violence, no. That is the difference.
This is a new trend by the American manufacturers to introduce a "rap" culture into today's games and perhaps even corrupt our youth into learning to speak that way in normal real-life. It certainly is a deliberate exercise to bring down the morality level in games, some perhaps thinking it gives more "street cred".
Children of unfortunaley all ages have brought this trend to online gaming. I can't see how a "rap" culture has anything to do with the vast majority of single-player gameing; it's simply an effort to be more edgy and perhaps compete with other forms of entertainment" Hey, we can be edgy 'art" toooo!"
TBH, I can't stand much hip-hop culture either in gaming unless it's warrented by subject (saint's row for example). But I also don't think this type of culture is "immoral" in necessarily. People said the same things about the Blues in the early 20th, and how wrong was that?
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