[QUOTE="Uncle_Tbag"]Well if you examine the evidence that has surfaced so far, it'sd pretty easy to get a clear picture:I don't know which is more shocking, the sudden departure of Jeff or the willingness of so many people to go batsh|t crazy over a story that is still 99% speculation.
The word of someone with the screen-name of "gamespot" is absolute gosphel - is it that particular screen name that engenders such unquestioned trust?
Some moderation is deserved here. You should be preparing to leave, preparing to "burn it down," not doing so before any of this has played out and the facts are actually revealed.
lol at all the people with under 10 posts saying they'll be leaving forever. *sniff* What a loss . . .
-Penny Arcade (Who are pretty well on with the GS crew) did a comic about Jeef being fired, saying it was true
-Admins are on gag order about Jeff's firing which is fairly suspicious
-GS has been plastered with K&L ads for the past while
-There is still no official statement (While not a big deal, one would think CNET would be quick to quash this if there's no truth to the matter. Hell, they'd be quick to quash it anyway, as it could be a serious blow against their credibility.
-Several anonymous messages from people claiming to be GS staffers have surfaced corroborating the story
Now I know none of those are definitive sources, but if you throw all of them together, it's pretty hard NOT to be suspicious of what's going on here...
Suspicion is fine. People aren't treating it suspiciously though. They're treating it as fact.
- Yes, I know he's been fired.
- Every corporation would be on "gag-order," especially on a Friday evening when no one is in the office.
- GS is plastered with ads EVERY DAY from numerous games; some score well and others don't.
- No official statement on a Friday night an hour or two after the story hits? NOt a surprise at all.
- I know, and I already said that I think it's naieve to take anon posts as fact. Anyone of us could do the exact same thing, claiming to be official staffers.
Believing Jeff got fired over one review is a pretty big claim and deserves some pretty big backing which hasn't shown up yet.
I know it's stupid to expect moderation from OT anyway, this is pretty much freak-town, no offense to anyone in particular.
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