Unorthodox1978 Blog
Some arrests have been made in connection to PS2 thefts
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
I can't understand why people would resort to theft to secure a PS3. I can imagine that the machine is a powerful console, but there's no reason for theft.
Anyway, I'm almost finished with FFXII, so I'll have a review of it up soon. Laters.
GTA Vice City Stories Review up
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
Obi's review of GTA VCS.
Valkryie Profile Lenneth
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
And now, ladies and gentlemen the moment you've all been waiting for. . .
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
The ninth annual . . . OK, maybe not the ninth annual. The second bi-annual. . . aww screw it, the whenever-he-feels-like-it list of games that Obi Asad wants to own.
(fake applause)
Thank you, thank you. You're all too kind. And without further ado, here's the list.
1. Valkryie Profile Lenneth.
Something to pass the time on Sony's doomed portable gaming system. I say doomed because it's only a matter of time before Nintendo finally beats it into submission worse than it has already.
2. Valkryie Profile Silmeria
According to Jirair, and he's never wrong about RPGs, this is a great game to own. Plus, when I play games in a series, I like to own all the games within said particular series.
3. Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops.
I was never a fan of the Acid games so this game will be a refreshing change of pace and a return to the roots.
4. Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories
I'd rather wait until they port this game over to the PS2 (if they port it to the PS2).
5. Killzone Liberation
Why not?
6. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent.
Again, why not? Plus, I have all the other games in the series. Except Essentials, I heard that game blows.
Well, that's it. Now those are the games I want. The actual reality behind whether or not I'll own those games remains to be seen. (I'll be lucky if I get one). Peace!
Top 10 reasons why I'm NOT buying a PS3 (at least not this year)
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
Seriously, people, it's just a games' machine (well according to Kaz Hirai, it's more than that). There's no reason for bloodshed over something that in all honesty, doesn't entirely work correctly right now. Backwards compatibility is not 100%. As of now, about 200 PS2 titles aren't compatible with the PS3. Furthermore, all the great games for the PS3 won't be out until 2007 (I'm talking MGS4, GTA IV, FFXIII, etc). With all that said, here are my top ten reasons why I won't be getting a PS3 right now.
10. I heard the PS3 is a pain in the buttcheeks to set up. And I heard that inspite of being able to function on HDTV, if a particular game is optimized to run at only a certain definition, say 720p, you'd have to go through the settings of the PS3 and set the output to 720p. The machine can't optimize the game to run at any other definition. That sucks.
9. The launch titles really aren't saying much in terms of quality. Genji is whack. Tony Hawk is whack. It seems Resistence Fall of Man is the only title of substance. In which case, if I were to pay for a PS3 now, I'd only being purchasing potential and not substance. Plus, I'm not a fan of FPS.
8. The games I want for the PS3 don't come out until 2007, so why break my neck for a console that can't play my older PS2 games? Speaking of which. . .
7. The PS3 isn't backward compatible yet. I'm sure Sony is working on emulation software to fix this problem, but instead of having to update my software, I'd rather just buy a unit with the update pre-installed and included in the machine.
6. Blu-ray technology doesn't make me do backflips. There isn't a whole lot of difference in HD-DVDs and Blu-Ray DVDs. Well, there's a differece, don't get me wrong, but not enough for me to plunk down $600.00 bucks.
5. The price! I've heard every Sony fanboy complain about people who complain about the price. Saying that Sony is losing money offering us a console with so much technology at such a valued price. Well for people who live in the real world and have real bills, like rent, health care, tutition, food, clothes, telephones, credit cards, and some of us are parents, $600.00 is asking too much.
4. The PS2 still has some life left in her and I'm not entirely sure about making the switch at this point. Just my own personal gripe.
3. The fact that people are getting shot, robbed, and beaten up over this console has sort of soured me on purchasing it right now. See, I've grown accustomed to breathing and I'm not in the mood to be shot up over an over-glorified console that can't even play my PS2 games at the moment.
2. Again, the price. If I can drop $600.00 on myself for a PS3, I had better be able to drop at least $600.00 or more on a charity to help people. I'd feel guilty about buying such extravagant stuff for myself when there are people suffering in the world.
1. Finally, I'd much rather play my PS3 on a HD TV like a plasma screen or something and right now, I only have a standard definition television.
Well, that's my rant. If you disagree, e-mail me and yell my head off . . . doesn't mean I'm gonna listen though.
People are stealing PS3s
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
Folks are getting robbed for their PS3s, now that's just sad. It's not unexpected, but it's just sad. I think this PS3 craze has gotten a little out of hand. The demand is so high, but the supply is so limited. Anway, you can read about it here.
Also, there's a HUGE line outside the Gamestop near my house. It's pandemonium out there. Holy crap!
New Job
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Will have a FFXII review up soon
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
Sorry for the wait. I know a lot of people are waiting on this one from me (OK, so only two people are waiting and they're not waiting as enthusiastically as I'd hoped), but I want to get further in the game to give it a great review. Expect a review within the coming days.
Had the misfortune of seeing Bloodrayne the other night--yelch!
by Unorthodox1978 on Comments
Well, it was on my "On-Demand" channel, so I decided to check it out. Oh God have mercy. This film reeked. Of course, you all know this. It was directed by the infamous Uwe Boll. The only saving grace for this film was Kristianna Loken (only cause she's cute).
The costumes look like the wardrobe designer went rummaging through a trash bin outside of a thrift shop. The fight scenes were anything but fight scenes. You'd think Boll would shell out a little money to get the actors some kind of martial arts training. Loken looking like she could barely lift her swords. The effects couldn't look any faker. The blood looked more like orangish ketchup.
Seriously, how does Boll do it? How does he keep making horrible films? How does he keep getting the financial backing to make these horrible films? How does he get these top-notch actors to appear in his films? Ben Kingsley's performance in this film is enough to warrant having his oscar revoked. OK, this is a message for Uwe Boll . . . your films suck, become a landscaper, a dentist, a finance accountant, a plumber, a high school security guard, anything but a director. Seriously.
Oh, by the way, he's making an adaptation of Dungeon Seige and Far Cry. God help us all.
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