@yankblan: As if there haven't been enough already, sadly.
I really wish we could just debate, live, game, etc. without resorting to belittling, threatening, and being violent towards each other. But I'm thinking of a utopia that simply doesn't exist.
How about we make a movie about all the men who were harassed and mocked growing up by women, calling us nerds, outcasts, and losers, just because we played video games? Then they hopped on the video game bandwagon because it became trendy and popular, and NOW they want to be accepted? Cry me a river you hypocrites...
Will there be a movie for all the guys that were mocked in school by women for being "nerds, outcasts, and losers" for playing video games, and they're only now jumping on the bandwagon because video games became trendy? Cry me a fucking river.
Let's not forget that it wasn't that long ago that women treated men who played video games like shit. They referred to them as nerds, losers, and outcasts, until one day gaming was considered popular and trendy, and they all jumped on the bandwagon. I don't buy this bullshit survey for a second. Where did all the men who have ever owned a system throughout history gone? You're telling me in the past, what, decade, that they magically disappeared, and women were able to surpass them all? BULLSHIT!
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