@thomasn7 It appears they may being going towards this. I believe Xbox Live will eventually become a service on PC, just like Office is a service. PC already has the Xbox App, DLNA from PC to Xone etc. Scorpio may just be that gateway to PC. It will be powerful enough to stand along PC's, and if they give it Mouse+Keyboard Support. Then we will have true Xbox/PC crossplay. Games like Halo 5, Titanfall 1+2 use dedicated servers. Just need Microsoft to entice PC players at the same time, to justify the $60 a month live subscription, since they scoff at it now, and rightfully so.
Yes. I was hoping for something likes this. OG Xbox to 360 lifespan was only 4 years, 360 the to One 8 LONG years, last gen went on way to long so we ended up getting consoles that should have come out long before.. But the One will still live as the younger brother to Scorpio
Great to see they are going the same route, and everything including that pricey elite controller which I have will be backwards compatible
Can't wait. I'm sure we'll get dedicated servers again. Non of that COD P2P crap, and I see it's coming outa around it's release, a lot with battlefield. COD is truly going to have a run for it's money this fall.
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