I definitely agree with the fact that there is a fine line between dysfunctional gaming and functional gaming, and as someone who has been through depression, I definitely believe it's crucial to seek some form of professional help as soon as you detect early signs of depression.
Also, I'd have to agree with everyone else who has praised your work Danny. Your editing skills are top-notch, and the music selection you pick for your videos are always harmonious to the overall theme. Bravo....
Wow, I actually played Cannon Fodder I, but I obviously did not associate the historical significance of that title and gaming development in Europe. Also, I've been playing an internet arcade title called New Star Soccer, but it eerily looks like a Sensible Soccer knock-off. Hopefully people aren't infringing upon your intellectual property.
Um, last I checked, Zombies are reanimated corpses made of flesh and bone. Considering shotgun shells are typically made of steel ball bearings shot out at extreme velocities, no "bone and flesh" material (i.e. the head of a zombie) should be able to withstand that many direct shots to the head.
QFT. Prime example: Skyrim for the PS3. I've never thoroughly enjoyed a game so much and invested so many hours into it only to give up on it in the end. My God was that game a mess during launch, and while it may have finally stabilized, I just couldn't take it anymore after I hit game-breaking bug after game-breaking bug in my first play-through. That game, with over 100+ hours invested in it, is still sitting in my media cabinet incomplete to this very day.
You would think an industry giant as prominent and omnipresent as Microsoft could afford to hire some PR coaches for their staff. #elitistassholeepicfail
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