I have arena and daggerfall on Dos but its a pain, So skyrim is the only ES game ive really played and beaten. This will be a buy for me. Hopefully Steam will have it.
@GOW3rules @Urizen5 I agree with the fact that kinect is not wanted, but the point is, the system was designed with it's features in mind. It is used for features outside of gaming. Msoft made the choice to design the system this way, if it's not liked then don't buy it. The console should not be continually changed until nothing works the way it was supposed to. There are other options to get a Kinect free system.
Yes keep the kinect, otherwise what's the point of the system? If you want an XB1 without kinect, just get a PS4. Obviously the system is designed around it, why gimp the system from what it is. This is about the same as wanting a wii controller instead of forcing the WiiU gamepad for the WiiU. Pointless, it's the selling point for the system as is the kinect for the XB1. You don;t have to like it, but don't castrate a system when there are alternative system to satisfy you. Welcome to the free market, good stuff sells bad stuff doesn't
Curious, If enough people still wanted to play an online only game, would it be viable to subsidize the service by asking those who play it to pay a monthly fee.
I mean if you really liked a game enough would you pay extra to continue to play it after said company was going to shut it down.
How is that light even practical outside of the camera sensor. It's buried, how can the light even be seen changing colors, unless you flip the controller as you play. Maybe if you're a cave player and have it absolutely dark all the time.
I just don't see how having it on, without the use of a camera, has any practical use at all.
Urizen5's comments