Conceptually i love it, but the fighting mechanic seems to realistic, as in weighted attacks slower moving combat. I like realism an all, but it is a game and i think i prefer a more faster paced combat, slightly unrealistic mechanic,at least a dark souls type speed. I'll give it a shot though, medieval sandbox...sounds good.
He makes an interesting point. A huge advantage 360 had was early release that established a gaming community and gamerscore. There was a real difference in the 2 systems in their 1st to 2nd years, then they developed their rivals strongpoints PS3 with trophies and 360 with HD upscale and bigger harddrives. Then there was the bluray HDDVD war going on.
But now..both systems are pretty much the same, no format war to fuel anything, release date the same, the differences are minimal, mostly a preference issue really. I am curious as to how the consoles will fare, because they are starting off on equal footing, as a generalization anyway. Content will decide a winner, not fanboyism. There is just not enough of a difference to flame the fanboy war for very long once both systems get going.
I've played this since pretty much day 1 availability and for a free This is a great game for it's genre. though short, it makes up for in character gameplay diversity. I strictly play singleplayer and found it challenging and fun. highly recommend the DL. Hope these people get enough support to continue on, cause this is how an indie game should be offered to gamers. They just need to support the developers.
Why are people assuming the PS4 has anything to do with this, Msoft simply isn't blocking the PS4. Most likely it's for you to plug in say a DVR and snap a shows and game at the same time. such as a nfl game and a madden game. Perhaps for some realtime updates to stats or whatever.
Urizen5's comments