This is why i prefer basement-dweller, single-player games..developers would have no reason to patch a game because a person chooses to play a certain way. Because of the PvP of Destiny, now the game needs to be fixed for "fairness". "Never even got the chance to farm the cave...bunch a crap..grumble mumble..."
I forgot about this game. Is it some kind of Assassins Creed mixed with Dark Souls...maybe a little monster hunter?? Curious about plot of game..has me interested anyway.
@Chr0noid sure they are. They are just free for "playstation plus users", not for anybody else. Free if you don't pay for plus for the games like me. they may be free to exclusive group of people, but still free nonetheless.
@jameston80 @kingcrimson24 Even if sony had Msofts policies, the point is, in just a few hrs an entire huge company replaced and advocated policy that agreed with what consumers wanted.. real question is, If sony was first would Msoft still have changed their policies?
I've had this game a while now, haven't put too much into it, but unique as hell. At least in terms of atmosphere. Hard as hell, in a good way. Definitely a strategy game, rather than a run n gun. The regenerated maps make for a a very bad day, or a good day if you're lucky enough to actually find a gun at first. I'd recommend it, stealth, survival, and tactical FPS rolled into one.
Urizen5's comments