Why is heavy rain on this list? The game looked dated graphically. It moved clunky (prolly due to the fact of transitions in action sequences), facial sequences were off at times. It was average at best graphically.
Urizen5's forum posts
Hell, Best buy in todays ad had a better comp for $1200. 20" monitor 1 tb HD, 8gbRAM Radeon 5770, forget the cpu. Still though, and they usually throw in a free printer.
God I hope not, I'm starting to get into PC gaming. I might actually buy more PC games this year than console. I do notice that it's hard to find them in stores, but most can be DLoaded from website. I don't think PC will ever die, it's always the frontrunner in tech. As the price comes down on hardware PC gaming is becoming cheaper. There is no 5 yr wait period between systems. I can always upgrade anytime. It's the most versatile system around. Though I hate the keyboard and mouse, I think when you get rid of horrible interface that is the mouse, PC gaming will triumph.
Considering most developers are in their 30's as I am, you're never to old. That's still a problem with gaming, people and government still see gaming as a kids thing or toy. The truth is those that play and make games are old enough to run for President. I've been gaming since I was 5 (pong) and i will die with a controller in my hand at old age.
I may pick one up then. My cpu should be good, according to their specs anyways. Not a big PC gamer, didn't want to put a lot of money down for essentially one game.
Not sure where to put this:
Anyone run the benchmark with a Radeon 5600,5700 series?
I was looking for the cheapest Radeon Card that would work. Apparently my HD4650 just aint cutting it.
Scott pilgrim has grinding though. You need lots of money to max your stats..which you need, cause hard game is hard. On single player. But a good game. lots of references in it.
It is hard, i put it on the 2nd difficulty. Ended up at level 8 after beating the first boss. I just wish i knew what buying music does. I like how the level design is like super mario world. There is tons of secret passages to find. it's fun
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow andPirates of the Carribbean: Armada of the Damned.
I'm looking forward to PotC. Would like to try it out first though.
Usually if you preorder you get some free playtime 90 days usually. is the publisher offering a deal?
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