yaaay im so excited. i signed up last night. my profile name is "son of sekander" because my first choice was taken... i was going to be MegasAlexandros.. because alexander is my favorite figure from all of history, and he was never defeated execpt for desease ... (or poison?!) , but some one had taken it....
so.... i chose son of sekander. does anyone know where thats from? answer, the man who would be king (an ammmmmazing movie if you havnt seen it). sean connery is mistaken for a god, the long awaited son of sekander... (what alexander is called in many regions of the world). then again, since it wasnt taken, no one else on live will get my reference.
also, i bought a bunch of "DLC", the mass effect extra level, and the battlestar game! i also bought a gamer pic for myself because the ones that came on my xbox suck... i got a pic from my favorite xbox 360 game, gun. its a native american face , and dances with wolves, last of the mohicans, black robe, are all some of my favorite movies. im a huge fna of the indians, and their spirit and courage is something that i hope will strike fear in the hearts of my oponents on live: P
anyway, im really proud of all my acheivements, some of them are hard to get, so if you want to, i think they can be viewed on xbox dot com... (is that right?)
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