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UzEE Blog

Happy Holidays

This is going to be a real small Post. Just want to wish every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season. May the New Year bring peace and great games into our life.

Level 14

Didn't notice it. I have been promoted to Level 14. Well, I should be celebrating but I have a lot of work here at the university, including 3 Project presentations, and not to mention lab exams and assignments. Its a tough week for me. While I'm At it I would like to share some info with you guys.

1. You may already know but I have to promote Dell's Exclusive Offer too. You can win an Intel Core 2 Duo Dell Inspiron 6400 (E1505) every day by playing the online game at Dell's site.

2. This is a popular Stock Exchange Game I really like.
You buy shares of celebrities and tried to earn points. Its a realtime fully-functional stock-exchange. but you dont earn cash.

Exams Over and Now Popular

My Exams are finally over today. I didnt do well but I will try to make up for them. I just needed to study a little more than I expected. I didnt even touch a book during the entire semester and now I almost got even below D. But thankfully the last two Exams turned out to be a little good. And I am expecting a GPA of 3.2/4.0.

On other interesting developments, I got the Popular Emblem while I was away. I now have 52 People traking my. I think it was the result of my "track me and I will track you back" Strategy. Well anyways it paid off. I got the highest comunity emblem. I now need to upgrade my Old-School cuz I found out that there is a Hella Old-School Emblem, and ofcourse my hard earned Tagger Maker to tagger leader, and eventually Tagger King. But until then, Its UzEE Signing off, and about check my Favorite, The Pokemon League Union.

Exams Comming Up!

I got exams comming up next week. Its going to be real tough cuz doing Bachelors in Computer Engineering is a tough job. I never could understand that Integral Calculus. Anyways because of the exams I can not be online during the next two weeks so I will only reply to anyones email or PM when I get back from my examination.

The reason I didnt release the Pokemon tags i made for the Pokemon League Union is that I lost an entire 80 GB Hard Drive due to a power faliure so I lost everything there was in it. The only tags remaining were the ones that I had already uploaded but had not released yet. They were between 75-100 of them and I was planning on releasing all the 400 English pokemon together.

I am currently in the process of doing the tags again but the exmas will slow me down. I will eventually release all the 493 tags at once when they are completed probably by next month cuz i have 2 weeks of examination.

I will post an update when my exams are over. Wish me Luck!

Level 13

I got Level 13 Today. Now I am a Toobin'. This was a quick level up compared to some of my last levels. But I was mostly inactive these days, due to the fact that my college is on again, and engineering is a hard thing. Anyways not much happened to me during these days.

The Only mentionable activity I am doing these days is Makin 400+ tags for The Pokemon League Union. I have entered Hoenn now and will be completing by next week. I had to redo the 200 ones I did earlier with a new title, so the process was slow. Plus I have a couple of quizes this week so I wont find enough time to do a lot of work.

My current progress is:

9 Emblems:
Registered MemberConvivialOld-SchoolGood TasteSerious CollectorPlayStation 2 AficionadoReaders' Choice 2005 ChooserTagger MakerPublic Access

325 Forum Posts: I know i need more.
Level 13: Toobin'
44 Friends: Without bieng a leader or an officer.
5 Moderations: All within 3 Weeks.
11 Blog Posts: Pretty Low.

Well thats it for now. Until the Next Update...

My Birthday!

It was my birthday yesterday, and the stupid thing was, I forgot!
I checked my email today and found an email from one of my friends, and I remembered, what a stupid thing to do. Well I guess these things happen if you are away from your home, cuz no one here knew it was my birthday...

Well, gamespot did give me a couple of presents on my birthday. I got the Tagger Maker and the PS2 Afficionado back. This was a great thing but I also got moderated for uploading a couple of videos. Dont know why it happened but I got striped of my videos. I will try to ask someone why this happened. In the mean time, I am creating still more tags for The Pokemon League Union.

Broken Arm Update and Back to College

Well first I would like to thank everyone who sent me thier wishes for my speedy recovery. Thanks to them the doctor clarified that It wasnt a major Injury. Just a minor thing and not a frecture. Thank God its all ok.

Well I would also like to announce that I am back in my college about 300 Miles from my home, so I wont be able to post often and will only be online b/w 10 am (+ 5 GMT) and 5 pm (+ 5 GMT) so any updates i will be doing is only between that time frame.

I also did a couple of new tags for the Pokemon League Union a few Days Ago. If you ever liked anything from the Pokemon Universe, then join this union. Here are the tags:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Also you can get the old ones at the previous blog entry. Thats about it for now...

Broke my Arm!

Yep You read it right. I really pulled of a stupid feat today. I was doing something standing on my bed this morning, when something on the TV caught my attention. And in a response to the footage I saw, I raised my arm to celebrate when I accedentaly hit the Cieling Fan. It hit just below the wrist.

There was a cut and some immediate bleeding but thanks to my Mom's quick first aid it was under control. I still feal the pain though. I will go to the doctor tommorrow for an X-Ray for any possiable frectures(Fingers Crossed). I hope it turns out okay.

Well this accedent caused a delay in the Banners and Tags my Friend SHUTupNrocK8 had asked me to do for my Favorite Union, The Pokemon League Union. Sorry Jim. But thank God I struggled and got them done.

Here they are...

TPLU Banner 1

TPLU Banner 2

And Here are the hree Matching Tags:


Manaphy or Manafi


I Also did a new banner for myself. You can see it on the Top. And I Also modified my signature. Well this is the update for now. I will add the doctors report tommorrow.

Level 12 and 200 Posts

Well I got Level 12 today, along with getting the 200 Post Mile Stone. I know its nothing, a lot of people have thousands of posts and are still below Level 10. Well Its a big thing for me to get 200 Posts. My next target is to cram out 500 Posts by the end of september.

Speakin of achievements, I have now got the Convivial Emblem in addition to my other seven Emblems. I plan to get four more by the end of the year. And I would also try to get my PS2 Afficinando back, and get an Upgrade on my Tagger Dabbler and my Public Access.

The Ride from Level 11 to Level 12 was very slow. I plan on Speeding the next couple of sections of the Highway and get Level 18 or Level 20 by the end of the year. I may also start my own Union next year, so this will really be a Boost.

Also adding atleast 4 Blog posts a week is also one of my New Level Resolutions. I am also going to be posting a Weekly Rant soon. Well until next time, Bye.

I'm Back! (Almost Got Got Lv. 12 Again)

Well Im back from my vacation. Took longer than I anticipated but what the heck. I needed some time off from relaxing. Anyways I come back here only to find about 35 Messages waiting for my. Apparently No one read my On Vacation notice. Well I have sorted out all of em, most of them (about 11) were Union Invites.

I would like to take this opertunity to inform EVERYONE , PLEASE STOP SENDING ME MORE INVITATIONS. I do not join more than 15 Unions at a time. And I only contribute in about three. I only join unions to support them and when they get a start i leave them. And join some other newly created union to help them out.

I have also almost attained Level 12 Again. AGAIN!. By this it means that I was at level 12 Before but I missed gamespot for a lot of months and got sent back to Level 1. Now Finnaly, I'm Back at Level 12 which is a relief.

Well my semmester break is almost up and I will be back at my university about 300 Miles from my home. I wont be on much often then so I would like to make the remaing week the best of it.

I have also Updated my Sign to reflect my Party in Pokemon Emerald. I am also thinking of making new banners/signs/tags etc for my favorite unions.