Alright, so whenever cows are talking about or hyping killzone 2 lemmings just come and say "the first one sucked so therefore this will too--the gameplay will suck like the first" These statements are unfounded considering the people who played it, including gamespot said its actually pretty fun.
Now, why the hell are lemmings hyping fable 2. Everyones like omg fable 2 and lost odyssey greater than your final fantasy!!!!!1!
So now im gonna pull the Killzone2 argument you lemmings use, the first fable was trash, why do you think this is gonna be any better? And since we have had nothing on fable other than a 2 min trailer(unless I missed something) my statements are NOT unfounded.
P.S: Before any of you fanboys pull the fanboy card on ME, I dont own any next gen consoles but own all current gen ones(ps2, xbox, gc).
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