So I finally got the chance to play it yesterday(have no next gen consoles yet) and I have to say this game is really overrated. I played it for 5 hrs yesteday and here are my arguments:
1. From all the reviews and hype, it sounded like they completely revamped it to make it a lot more immersive. Supposedly the pedestrians were supposed to be like real people. They are exactly the same as past GTAs! THey talk randomly like before with nothing good to say or anything.
2. The car controls are just completely weird. This isnt that much of an argument because I heard they just have to be goten used to, but they did piss me off a lot.
3. The physics are kinda weird. I have a love hate relationship with them. Sometimes they are just bloody cool but other times they are just ridicuouly weird.
4. The cutscenes are too bloody long. I mean they could condense them so much, theres too much dialogue and most of it is filler. I dont understand how MGS can get blasted for its cutscenes and not this.
5. I didnt like the radio stations much but thats just a personal opinion and doesnt matter too much.
6. The online isnt nearly as fun as it sounds. When I heard all the details about the online, I thought it would be the best online game ever. I mean cmon, Cops n Crooks sounded so damn cool along with everything else. In reality though, it isnt that fun. TDM is just ridiculously boring because the map is so big and you barely ever see anyone. Cops n Crooks is a bit better but still not as fun as it sounded. I think th eonline would be a lot better if you were restricted to certain areas and didnt have the whole map. Sometimes I went like 5 mins without seeing anyone.
Anyways, what I did like a lot was that:
1. They have made the graphics a lot lot better, this game is actually pretty impressive this time graphically.
2. I love the new combat system, the whole cover thing and all is really good.
Overall I would give it a 9/10. Good game, just not nearly as good as I thought it would be or as everyone hyped it to be.
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