well id say crystal chronicles was crappy game they got but FF3 for DS looks great as well as children of mana. Im not sure there is a reason other then money as NGC was more powerful this gen then ps2.
i dont think its going to be as much that each individual ffxiii game wont be complete in and of itself. I think they will give you about as much information about the world in each of the individual games as they would give you in any single other game. They have already said that FFXIII and FFVS XIII are both completely different but share some mythology. I think its more like having two different games that each tell you more about an interesting world then something where you feel incomplete without. Hell i dont even think we are going to get the mobile game. Do you think i feel left out because i cant play the FFVII mobile game or dont want to buy a psp to play the FFVII psp game?? hell no dude because personally im content with the story in FFVII and FFVII AC and the people who want to know more can go buy the psp game.
I think you are going to be missing out on it and if anything you should just wait till ps3 is cheaper and the game has dropped in price and go pick up both because we all know FF games become greatest hits and can get cheap fairly quick after selling like crazy for a few years.
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