Well business is getting rougher for them as well, also you generally wouldn't get a refund for a gift card anyway since the value depreciates rapidly. Gamestop is still the best place to buy games.
Maybe next gen?? You must be kidding!!!! When a console comes out, the graphics are better than the PC. At 2011/2012 crysis will be a 5 years old game...
We'll see. To say that the graphics of a next gen console are betetr than a PC at launch is determined by what a developer does with that next gen console. And like I said, while you people will just be enjoying your "Crysis", we'll have moved on to the next graphical marvel.
Oh lol, so much could be said here.
While you guys are enjoying the next level of graphics on the ever limited amount of genres on the PC, the consoles will still be the frontrunners of the game industry.
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