I've played this game for a week now, and wanted to just add in my own opinion of this review. I can see both sides of the argument. The review is entirely entitled to her opinion, and gamers are entirely entitled to theirs (personal attacks not included).
From what I have seen so far in GTAV of the game, I would probably score it closer to a 9.5. I feel this would be a more fair representation of the effort that Rockstar have (and always have) put into these games. Everything about this game stuns me - from the visuals, sunsets and sunrises, to the profoundly entertaining dialogue between the main characters, and the seriously fun mini-games.
I'm a liberal, "girl power" sort of woman, but I don't seem to share the reviewer's same irritation at the role of women in this game. Grand Theft Auto doesn't have a reputation for being politically correct; it has a reputation for being REAL. And, unfortunately, the roles of women portrayed in GTAV are - in general - real. Some may not like that assertion, but I believe it to be the truth. When I play a Grand Theft Auto game - I'm looking for realism and believable stories. Both of which this game has in abundance.
So, 9.5 in my opinion. It should be distinguished from the other hordes of 9.0 games, some of which put no more effort into game design than - say - I have into this review. :-P
I had a Ferrari (OK I can't remember the GTAV name for it right now) save in Franklin's garage that disappeared along with my crotch-rocket bike. Strange strange. Ah well - it's only been out for a week. Patches to come I'm sure.
We all know that the answer to this question is a resounding "NO" - but articles with sensationalized headlines like this one don't exactly help our cause to prove that video games shouldn't be held accountable for violence in modern society.
@Scorpion1813 ahhhaha - you hit the nail on the head there. As if my head wasn't f*cked enough by the near-future science-fiction elements in something I THOUGHT was the first, great next-gen fantasy game, I'm having to watch it and listen to Final-Fantasy crazy-ass music.
What......the...... ........ fricking frick?!?? Ummm......ooookay. So we have - what? Another Assassin's Creed? Wow. How monumentally lame.
I was seriously looking forward to the first, great next-gen fantasy game with stupendous graphics. The first trailer had me literally salivating (calibrating? ;-). But this......this is.........I don't know what this is. Plus the inferences about souls/lost souls/etc. give my mouth the aftertaste of Dark Souls, which makes me want to vomit.
If all they produce is a mind-f*ck of a game, set in some near-future world with a "cool-but-outcasty" Desmond stand-in, who goes into a fantasy world and has to harvest freaking souls to open the next "time-gate" and proceed to the next "memory-place".....I will be SO disappointed.
VakarianGirl's comments