It's Destiny with the home base having some peanuts thrown to the players to make them feel like they actually have some significance. There will be next to no story and next to no character interaction.
I just have to say it. Yellow, red, green or blue? Any serious company that puts promotional material out there for its new "serious" game that looks like THAT deserves to fail.
Not excited for Anthem at all. It sounds like a COMPLETE next-gen Destiny experience. The enemies are called "scars". Give me a freaking break. I am sure there'll be a 'scar hive' that you have to flush out, and a 'scar orb' you have to capture. YAAAAWWWWN.
It is very sad that anything even remotely 'Bioware' in this game is going to be relegated to Fort Tarsis, your base of operations. Bioware said it had 'solved the problem of multiplayer storytelling'. The solution? Apparently it's to allow you to have some story and character interactions at the home base. Wow. So what you basically will have is massive load times>entering Ft. Tarsis>brief story/character stuff>exit Ft. Tarsis>massive load times>connecting to live servers>enter shared universe Destiny stomping grounds have fun.
Why is this even a story?!?? You are seriously quibbling over who gets a treasure map digitally and who gets a regular map physically? How the hell would they give you a physical map for a digital purchase anyways?? Pssshhht Gamespot. Get a life!
VakarianGirl's comments