Well this really sucks...I bought a used copy of the Nintendo Ds Browser thingy and it wont let me use it. When I start it up, it says something is missing. Anyone have any feedback?
"2) The graphics are kind of...well...crap (sorry to those that actually did like wind waker, I know there are a lot of you out there)"
Stopped reading there. There are opinions, and there are uneducated, stupid opinions, this is one of them. You must not know the technical aspects of the DS and how well this game brought out its prowess. Unless it's because you don't like the art style, which is a different story.
I was talking about the art style hence "sorry to those that actually did like wind waker"...doesnt that emply enough about the art style?
To me Ouendan and Ouendan 2 were both funner and more difficult that EBA. Personally I like the Japanese music as well...not that EBA is BAD or nothing, just...not as good I guess
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