This is weird, the community says the game is pretty awesome, I have not buy it because i still have so many games to play. So It is suprises me this one gets a bad review.
@DAOWAce: I have every single of their games on PC except for Mega Man, and they all seem to run pretty good, so I am not sure what are you talking about.
@beantownsean: Well i think the whole development process is very long and we know that, but one thing he is right is that people dont even bother finish games anyway, he says 5% percent but i think is more between 10% and 20%. But I think always has been like this and developers know, thats why they tend to focus in more repetitive multiplayer games because for some reasons they have long lasting appeal in the community.
The think is that the game still available through steam until the 16th, which will force a lot of players to pre-order the game. To me this is a scum tactic because it forces the players on Steam to pre-order the game or wait until next year. Obviously they are trying to make people buy the game before releases.
I think it is ok for the game to have some background and reference so the game at least makes some sense but in these type of games I could care less about the story, normally just skip it same with Anthem and Destiny. I don´t see the point in caring about the story when the objective of the game is to shoot and loot.
I still would not choose epic store over steam. In my country steam is still cheaper when it comes to games in almost all of them, except for AAA games.
Besides I think is a bad move from Deep Silver to do this, so they basically took advantage of STEAM in pre-orders because they have a bigger customer base, and now that probably the game did not sell that well in the pre-orders, they are moving to EPIC STORE to give a cheaper price to customers.
Some of the finals in this article are really spot on, but for me, Dexter had a good ending. All the teachings that his father taught him was so things did not spire out of control like it did. He choose no to keep following the rules and had to accept the consequences. In a way is kinda sad, but he was never meant to experience any kind of happiness.
@gamingdevil800: They wont, steam has a greater quantity of customers. Ubisoft has already their own gaming platform, you have to go through Uplay either way. Which to me does not make sense, Epic must have giving them money or do something about it, because me, as a Steam user, to buy the Division 2, I will rather go through Uplay than opening another account in yet another store.
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