I played the first 6 hours and the game seems fine, i mean it does not offer anything breakthrough but it seems fun. I think the people that did not really like the game are the hardcore ME fans, otherwise some that is new to the series would think that is a standard RPG game. People should realize that some game should not be taking too serously.
I dont know this is just plain weird. In steam everyon seem to really like the game and they have not complain about bugs or anything and they said that the game is awesome so I dont know maybe is just one of those games that is not for everyone.
First of all you have to see these movies now as similar to what the Mission Imposible movies are doing, they are basically the same. You have the group of people that have to take down some bad guy that wants to basically turn the world into chaos. Thats pretty much the whole formula use in those films which does not surprise me because Mission Imposible and Fast & Furious franchises are China Films, which means that are adequated for that market which the stuff they really like.
It is good that a more powerful console is coming out, but at the end it is up to the developers to use the hardware correctly. I can see this benefit form first party titles, but third party could get lazy about it and not use the hardware like they should.
I hope that this does not turn out to be a fiasco, becuase if history has taughts anything, is that the most powerful console available, does not end up well (N64, original PS3)
I bought a switch i can say i am really impress with the device. I mean is not as powerful as PS4 but it is just a little bigger than a cellphone with a 6.2 icnhes screen. The console will probably thrive more as a handheld console by the looks of it, at least is more appealing to me as such.
Games to me seems not to be a problem, if they realese this year Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Oddysey that is pretty good for a new console. Ill be waiting for more games like Dragon Quest X, Dragon Quest XI and Fire Emblem Warriors. Pretty much anything else I want to play it is on my PC.
VampireLord123's comments