@livedreamplay: Actually is sitting at $375 which is a little cheaper than the PS4Pro, and I think if you look hard enough you can get one for $325 - $350. Plus, if you have another GPU you can sell that and only spent about $200 on that one.
I have a PC with a gtx 1080, and i normally played new games at 1440p instead of 4K because its more stable. Besides, the difference between the two resolutions is hardly noticeable and how great the game looks depends mostly on the developers. 4K looks neat, but the dazzle only last a couple hours then you probably wont care what resolution you are playing.
Well what a pointless article, eventually we all stop playing a game, what it counts is how much time did we spend playint it. For me if the game lasts between 30 and 50 hours, the game achieved to be entretaining. If I play a game longer than that i consider the game to be a gem.
I really have to congratulate Microsoft for the decisions that they have made this year, bringing their exclusives to PC and listening to their customers, even if their windows store kinda sucks.
I think all this is just freaking crazy. To be honest, right now developers are already struggling to give a good experience even on the lower settings. Now we are expecting them to make 4K games than run perfectly fine? that is crazy talk.
Besides now days some of the best games available with more replayability are not even the best looking games. People can discuss whatever they want about 4K making a difference, but I dont think it will, at least not in this current generation.
I dont know if the 4K blu-ray player is going to make a difference now, but I probably wont even get one because streaming is a lot more versatile than discs. You can watch movies or tv series on any device and to me thats very important.
It is funny how people discuss these topic, specially when the difference between 1080p and 4K sometimes is not even noticeable. When games start to be 4K native, we might start to see how much impact 4K has on games.
So basically is a Dragoon Quest game. These games tend to be tedious because the battle system feels slow, but as a fan of Dragon Quest I am happy that the traditional build of the game is still the same.
I have played the game for two hours and i am not sure if it is the nostalgia or the game is really good. This game reminds me of the old platforming games that i played long time ago like gemini force, mario, and games like that. I am pretty sure right at the end to get to open the last doors is going to require a lot of time like the games i mention if you want to explore the whole world.
VampireLord123's comments