Dearess kineck, ah wish t'embrace yo' into mah heart an' soul an' play yo' like a moosical instroomnt. Yer ev'rythin' ah c'd evah hope fo'. ah love yo' kineck..ah love yo'.
I can't wait to give the new Kinect a try. I hope it does voice commands better then the first one. It was kind of a pain to use in Mass effect 3. Still this new Kinect is going to be awesome.....or it wil suck and the only thing it will Kinect with are my B@LLZ.
Don't you guys have some kind of approval process before posting reviews to the public. This is a travesty of a review that never should have seen the light of day. Are you guys doing this on purpose to stir up everyone and get more "Hits" on your webpages, cause that's what it's starting to look like from my end.
First you give The last of us an 8.0 out of ten and this one a 9.5/10. Did the last of us not accomplish it's goal as being an amazing survival Horror. I guess not, but apparently Gone Home has made a Home run of an Adventure game. Just ridiculous .
Vanine_28's comments