Vax45's forum posts
[QUOTE="ChampionoChumps"]They do it on purpose, it's a psychological thing that they do to make you feel like a jerk if you say no. That way they get your money more easily. James161324I don't see the effect besides making want to tell you to screw off. This isn't exactly psychology related, but humans are predictable and CEO's can make some calculated decisions by, say, asking you to donate to charity.
Slightly raising the prices (even the slightest) will have huge consequences. Companies don't want to donate to charity if it's going to cut into their profits.Personally I would much prefer them to just add a few pence on to the price of something and not tell me why the price has increased. Displays of moral rightousness in an attempt to soften the companies image leaves me with a sour taste.
I'll give money in my own time and not when I feel there is pressure being put on me.
[QUOTE="Bloodseeker23"]Yeah I always my dollar, its only a dollar. Though if its $2, its a different story.DarthkaiserYou would be saving two lives :P Well, 1 and 1/2. Gotta include tax.
If you read chapter 21 of the book, you'd have a much better insight to what happened. For some reason, original versions left out that last chapter.MillenialFair99I don't have the book, but if I understand what that chapter is about (from reading this topic), I don't think the movie would have had the same sting if it included the last chapter. I know what the author of the book is trying to say, but I think the movie has a bit more realistic outlook on society when given free will. People will be bastards and there's no stopping them from being bastards.
I think the point of the movie's ending is to ask the viewer if he would rather have no control over his actions with a very well-behaved society, or a complete freedom while being surrounded by bastards.I don't think the movie leaves anything up for debate really -- it is just absent an outcome. I don't think most people would even think to ask "Wonder what happens to Alex?", because it in fact leaves little doubt that he just returns to his "pre-treated" state of real "horrorshow ultraviolence" to the tune of Beethoven's Ninth, taking a small break in between doling out beatings every now and then to sip on some moloko chai.
I am 29, she must be around 25, 26 by her looks.[QUOTE="RJLateralus"][QUOTE="dunl12496"]
Bad idea, but how old are you?
If she's asian, add ten years.
If she's white, add 30.
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