@orangepeel1972 I don't find anything new and fresh about AC III. Welcome to America, and oh, I can finally climb trees. The rest is recycled and streamlined. Look at the combat... I don't know about you but I don't feel like I accomplish anything except free wins across the board. Welcome to hack and slash 101.
@I_am_in_despair I think the point here is that Digital Sales are increasing while Physical sales are decreasing. Which raises a soft spot in Gamers like me. Oh well, news is usually bad news, or at least that's true from where I'm from. So I don't TEND to pay attention to "targeted" subjects such as these.
You also raised a good point. Many more great games came out in 2011 compared to 2012.
@bladetarsai @VeeArSick @shingui5 Where in my post did I tell him what to do? It's not even insinuated. It's just general wisdom on the subject of loyalty, whether he wants to heed it or not is completely up to him. If by offering my opinion I'm telling somebody what to do, that person needs therapy to overcome hyper-sensitivity issues with controlling their emotion and thought perception.
@xMoonDevilx Many, many contributing factors to random acts of violence like this. It's irresponsible to target one piece of the puzzle ignoring the rest. Video games may be a problem. They may be. However, it's not the source.
VeeArSick's comments