@YukoAsho the problem is that there is hardware in that GPU that hasn't been shown and this is what is leading to a ton of the rumors... the thing does look like it's stacked... but no dGPU in there...
@PinkSpider79 You never have been and you never will be... this isn't something that just happened it's always been this way. It's amazing that people bitch about stuff that's been there for half a decade plus
Here is the answer... Who cares... it's entertainment... if it doesn't entertain you then you don't play/watch/read the dang thing... I don't read thing about feminism because it doesn't interest me and I don't play games that deal with subject maters that I don't feel is correct
@bonzaibillie I do... means I can trade my physical copy towards my PS4... hope to get it paid off soon so I only have to worry about paying on Xbox One on it's launch
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