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Chi Energy (DBZ) is really fricken real

I know it probably sounds crazy and all but I believed (for as long as I can remember) that Chi energy (like in DBZ) was possible, but now I'm sure.  I don't really know how, but I really actually feel "something" inside of me... If I focus, I can feel it distort.  And with all the evidence I've found, I 100% believe it now... AND all of it's concequences..

All of us (in the western part of the world) lead normal lives (most of us) making normal livings doing normal things.  So all we need and use are "normal" human capabilities (advanced thinking, emotion, athleticism, etc.). 

While still, in the east(Japan area and such) - many are closer to attaining "it" or, believe it or not, have already attained it.  Their history is based a lot on martial arts.  It was as if it were sacred (you know, temples, monks, etc.).  So while we were busy becoming a country and shooting each other, they've been harnessing and practicing. 

The key to this "power" is almost unexplainable.  It has to do with understanding everything (I mean EVERYTHING) and knowing exactly how to do what.  Such as controlling your emotions along with understanding it, harnessing it, and using it to your benefit.

You still think I'm f***** up, well, here's a few links that may change your mind, or at least enlighten you a bit:

still not sure, just look my friend, google it, look terms up in Wikipedia, whatever - it's there.

Continuing on, I was inspired by DBZ.  I don't know why, but for some reason, even when I was little, I believed it was all possible.  The thing is though, wherever the world's most skilled martial artist trained in usuing chi energy, there's basically no way they could ever surpass the lineage (power) of mid-Dragon Ball.  Think about it, The reason people on DBZ are so strong is A.) their whole freaken life is fighting, training, etc. 24/7, and hell, they have connections (Dr. Breifs: 100x gravity- and on space ship that can fly to distant planets). and B.)some are "Saiyans" that are born to fight and are basically better than humans could ever get.

So, back to the real world.  Having these amazing powers would be awesome right, hell yah! But there are things that you need to know, but we can't know because our lives isn't about this stuff; it's about making it through the real world, OUR real world, of making money through jobs, obeying the government, etc. This is what holds every one of us back, both physically and mentally...

I can briefly explain this chi:  Supposedly, it is the word "life" for Chinese (or related to life). If you could harness this energy, it could be used for "healing" and (physical)"enhancing."  But we really don't need to know that, because we will probably never be able to even understand how to understand how to understand chi. 

Like I said, a vital step is understanding your emotions.  Though I'm not entirely sure how this works, I'm sure the idea is here somewhere.  I guess (in my words) you use your emotions to channel your chi and direct it in the certain way you want to use it. Hell, that's only my words, if you want a direct explanation, go to China or Japan and find a person in a temple that's done it their whole life.

Though, like I said, our world is blocking us from that world.  This gives us a very unlikely chance to ever have anything to do with this chi stuff.  Another fact of the matter is, this whole entire deal is a LIFE-LONG ordeal/journey.  It almost has to become your life, to maintain it, get better, let alone learn it.  "Why does this have to be a life-long journey?" you ask... good question, very good.  Believe it or not, IF you get involved in all of this, it could also mean life or death if you don't do it right.  Yes, that's right.  So it's not just trying to learn how to do it or enhancing your skills, it's much more.  Maintaining EVERYTHING you could posssibly think of that has to do with YOU.  If by any chance you learned how to harness your inner chi, if you used it wrong, or messed up just a little, you could kill yourself.  Remember, this is energy IN the body, if it is directed wrong, you could do someting, like collapse a lung (supposedly) or something like that. 

The deal with "chi" is every bit as equal with mental stabilaty as it is (if not WAY MORE) with physical stability.  That is probably why we suck.  It's our society.  We try to blend in to fit in with our society; completely blinding and locking away the pure emotions that the chi uses. While we focus on socializing, learning, and experiencing that whole entire time, (most of us) leave out "internal learning - the mind" -meditating (and yoga?) (god that's confusing, but that's the way it looks). Hell right now, tell me: Who knows how to meditate? Hm? anyone?  I don't.  That's just one simple lesson in the chi unit.  But we-simply-dont-have-time, with the way life is here.  THAT IS THE WHOLE FRICKEN PROBLEM.  We don't have our lives to dedicate to chi.  We have our lives here.  We can't leave them, it's one or the other... which sucks... 

Well Im pretty much done.  Some of you probably still think I'm messed up.  So be it then, you can waste your time ridiculing me while I still and always will believe.  It is there people.  We just have to find a way...

Does ANYONE want to go on WiFi?

does anybody want to go on WiFi with me....


right now I'm especially looking for Digimon DS, but I'm still willing to do any of my other games. (I haven't been able to try out AC:WW yet either) ..

DS WiFi Friend Codes!

Hello all of my friends.  If anyone wants to do Nintendo DS WiFi, please post your friend code here, and I will in turn add you, and we can play!

my WiFi games:

  1. Mario Kart DS
  2. Animal Crossing Wild World
  3. Metroid Prime Hunters
  4. Lost Magic
  5. Digimon World DS (also, thx GS for giving this a 7.2)

SERIOUS Tech Question!!!

I need someone to comment on this, if they can.

For some reason, my BRAND NEW, from 3 days ago X-mas present from my Granny in Texas, game, still factory sealed, ATV Offroad Fury 4, keeps almost instantly freezing on my PS2, if not that, something else goes wrong, like the music stops, the souds turns into fuzz, etc.

I don't know if it is the brand new game or my 5 yr. old PS2.  (The ATV OF4 disc really seems to work it pretty hard.)  But still ALL of my other games (like SOCOM: CA, FFXII, etc.) still work perfectly.  ... Maybe ATV OF4 itself works the PS2 too hard?  though i'd really really REALLY hate to take something back that my 80 some yr. old granny got for me in Texas for Christmas?! (for those that don't understand - IT'S MEANINGFUL)


What I got #2 - dads

  1. NEW blud iPod nano (awesome!) - though I will be needing many $1s to fill my iPod - esp. since I don't have  a credit card or Paypal (*calls for mom)
  2. The Legend of Zelda: the Windwaker-  It's actually brand new, still factory sealed... and after all these years too, awesome
  3. ATV Offroad Fury 4- sweetness
  4. a "paintful" of smores - yah, I got a bunch of marshmallows, hershey bars, and graham crackers all in a paint bucket.
  5. $25 + $25 = $50 in Walmart gift cards (for getting what I didn't get (see below)
  6. a PowerBlock for my iPod, to charge it from a wall outlet instead of using the computer USB port
  7. candy!!! again!!!!
  8. a weird, and maybe cool DVD of how to perform "floating" magic
  9. a t-shirt with wolves on it - not too bad
  10. $20 from my uncle (which I just remebered is in my pants pocket back home- in my hamper, probably in the washer right about now..)

What i didn't get:

  1. Digimon World DS!
  2. Sonic Rush
  3. Kingdom Hearts II
  4. GC DBZ controller
  5. DBZ Fusion Rborn DVD
  6. iTunes gift card ($$$ for iTunes)

too bad I can never save money, especially since I'm going to turn 16 in a few months

Merry!! CHRISTMAS!!!! + what i got!

merry Christmas everybody, i hope you all have a great one.  I had Christmas at my mom's and here's what i got:  (sorry I can't put any pictures, it won't let me for some reason..)

  • FFXII: COLLECTORS EDITION - haven't played yet, but hopefully should be at least a little bit as good as FFX was (which i'm still obssessing over to this day)
  • SOCOM: Combined Assault - this is my 1st SOMOM... or any military type game, maybe it's just me, but this game is very confusing to me... almost disappointing (maybe I just suck at these kinds of games.. maybe i should just stick to RPGS?)
  • Meteos - haven't played yet, but i'm sure it's a nice, little lighthearted DS game
  • My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade (special: black) CD
  • iPod Emerson Clock/Radio - which i guess means that i'm getting an iPod this next weekend!!
  • a robe
  • a shirt
  • the "Amazing Walking Pooping Penguin"... ..yah
  • DBGT Skannerz
  • candy!! (stocking stuffers)

now for the unfortunate "what i didn't get"s:

  1. NERF PS2 controller
  2. ...a PS3!!! ( word from the "rich aunt though... but i thought I heard before that she had already bought it... hm.....)
  3. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  4. etc. spend money on what i didn't get / what i still want/ what is yet to come (if i have a ps3, you bet your life I'm going to save some dough for Level 5s White Knight Story !!(Shirokishi Monogatari)

I'll be back soon to list what I got at my dad's/ my grandmas (+ whatever else!).. until then, I would love to hear about what everyone of you got!

OMG Level 5 is back!!!!!!!!!!

Level 5 (the greatest developer ever: DQVIII, Dark Cloud 2, etc.) is coming back!!!

  1. Rogue Galaxy - another great Level 5 creation after DC2 and DQVIII.  sci-fi action/adventure with real time combat (a sci-fi DC2)
  2. DQIX - now on DS instead of PS2... we'll see how it works out
  3. and last (and most certainly the best!!), Shirokishi (Monogatari) or "White Knight" (... I think..) - for the PS3!  god you have to look at this trialer!!!!!:

sweet fricken graphics, TOTALY new gameplay (AWESOME!), and some new surprises (which Level 5 is famous for (*TRANSFORM!!!)


the new show, Mar, rocks!!! It reminds me a little of .hack, but not as depressing, a whole lot better, and would make a FRICKEN SWEET video game!!! seriously!

Naruto rocks too.  It's just cool.

Toonami rocks period!!!

and Inuyasha movies all night long!!!

(Toonami Dec. 23-24 7pm-...really late)


My Lists!

mom + grandma (Meemaw!)

  1. Final Fantasy XII
  2. wireless PS2 NERF controller
  3. SOCOM: Combined Assault
  4. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  5. Meteos
  6. Shadow the Hedgehog PS2 controller
  7. Emerson iPod clock/radio
  8. a robe
  9. DBGT Skannerz
  10. My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade CD


  1. NEW blue iPod nano


  1. Digimon World DS
  2. The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
  3. Sonic Rush
  4. Kingdom Hearts II
  5. ATV Offroad Fury 4
  6. smores candy bars:D
  7. DBZ GC controller
  8. DBZ: Fusion Reborn DVD

(my sister's friend's rich aunt...whom I do not know...)

  1. Playstation 3

Well these are my lists... I won't get it all, but hey, it's Christmas.  It probably sounds corny, but it is true that it isn't all about the presents.  Just recently, I really kinda started caring more about the thought of recieving the gifts rather than actually just using them, it's kinda cool.  It is also a time where (most) families are together and nice/in a good mood, and that is what I love about Christmas, being able to be with my family to enjoy Christmas - let the good times roll.  I also plan to play Flyff too :D

I guess...I'll just have to live w/ whatever I don't get...or left behind... nah! I'll get them... I'm still not sure whether or not (if I do get that PS3) to sell it so i can get everthing else, or whether to keep it to replace my old PS2 or whatever else it can do... plz comment

things i left behind:

  • Phantasy Star Universe
  • Final Fantasy III
  • The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • (all of the games I want that did not come out yet: Rogue Galaxy, Digimon Savers, Pokemon: Diamond, Custom Robo Arena, FF Crystal Chronicles DS, Battalion Wars 2, Shining Force Exa?, Dragon Quest IX, Steambot Chronicles 2, etc.)
  • Steambot Chronicles
  • Armored Core Nexus
  • Riviera: the Promise Land
  • Fire Emblem (GBAs)
  • Burnout Revenge
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2
  • Thrillville
  • Tales of Legendia
  • Tales of Abyss
  • Okami
  • WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 07
  • Advance Wars DS
  • etc...

thank you  (next time: what I actually got!)

X-mas list & PS2 online question

first, I was wondering whether or not PS2 online costs anything, is it only certain games + varied prices? What about Phantasy Star Online, SOCOM, + others like burnout 3, Ratchet and Cland, Star Wars Battlefront (1/2), Smackdown! vs. RAW, etc.   I haven't even tried yet even tried online- I have an old PS2 w/ the ethernet + cable. I think I have everything, so now what do I do? Do I need to make an account or something? Please help, thank you


Now for my Christmas possibilities (please comment / tell me if the games are worth it):

  • Digimon World DS
  • Sonic Rush
  • Phantasy Star Universe
  • Thrillville
  • Final Fantasy XII
  • SOCOM Combined Assualt
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
  • Steambot Chronicles
  • Naruto Uzumaki Chronices?
  • Shinin Force Exa?
  • Suikoden III / V?
  • Harvest Moon DS?
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)
  • Zelda Windwaker
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • Final Fantasy III
  • Bully
  • Okami
  • Armored Core Nexus
  • Zelda: a Link to the Past PC
  • Riviera: the Promised Land
  • Tales (Legendia / Abyss)
  • ATV Offroad Fury 4

a lot isn't it, plz help me narrow it down:):D